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SLEEP WAS a gift but also a curse. Every time Amara closed her eyes, she opened them up fast and fueled with anxieties from the previous forty-eight hours. It took so much convincing from Leia and literally being carried over Chewie's shoulder to remove Amara from the cockpit. Amara didn't want to be out of the cockpit, she didn't want to be reminded of what was left of the Resistance.

Amara laid on the floor, she was covered by a thin blanket and used her jacket as a pillow. Their resources were beyond short on the eyes drift to Rose. Rose had a cot. She was wounded and still unconscious, but many of those who survived Crait had not only assured Finn but everyone else that she was going to be fine. Amara's eyes land on the unconscious Rose, taking in the small scratches on her face.

Amara sits up and her eyes gaze to Finn, he was sleeping against her cot. He was watching over her, he wasn't leaving her side, despite how many people offered to take his place while he got proper sleep. Amara put on her jacket and grabbed the blanket as she rose. She walked over to Finn and covered him up with the blanket, sure Poe's old jacket must've kept him a little warm, but Amara felt obligated to cover him up since she wasn't going to use her blanket anymore.

Amara moved in the room and halted by the doorway that led into the hall, her eyes moved over to Poe. He was unconscious and in a deep sleep. She knew Poe had gotten little to no sleep in a long time, it had started since his return from Jakku, but this looked to be the first time he seemed at peace. Perhaps, Poe was just too exhausted by this latest adventure to not even have his nightmares.

Amara kept her eyes on the sleeping pilot. He had covered himself with his jacket, he had refused blankets from anyone. He wanted them to go to someone more important. Amara saw BB-8 cuddled up against his master. A small smile appeared on her face as she sees this, a droid is a man's best friend, huh. Amara turned and walked down the halls of the Falcon, only pausing to hear voices. She turned and saw her mother and Rey sitting in the cargo room.

"Luke is gone," Rey's voice spoke out, "I felt it, but it wasn't sadness or pain. It was peace and purpose."

Amara felt rude, standing by and eavesdropping on her mother and the young Jedi in training. But Amara couldn't move. She just stood there, near the door, trying to keep herself out of sight.

"I felt it too," Leia says, "And I know Amara did as well."

"How do we build a Rebellion from this?" Rey asks Leia.

Amara can only picture them in this conversation, since she wasn't looking into the room, with Leia and Rey sitting on top of crates in the cargo room.

"We have everything we need." Leia says.

Amara's gaze moved away from the cargo room. She walked down the halls and paused at the cockpit, she stepped inside and heard a growling from Chewie.

"Don't worry, Chewie." Amara says, "I'm not here to take over, I'm just here to check in if you need anything."

Chewie growled at her. The Wookiee needed nothing, he was perfectly fine, well not perfectly fine. No one on the Falcon was at a hundred percent.

Amara nods, "Yeah, okay."


IT WAS decided that for a moment, maybe a few weeks or so, the Resistance was going to camp out on Yavin 4. Leia had called the remaining higher officers in her quarters for this meeting. Leia was met with Poe, Amara, Larma, and Chewie. All the remaining survivors were either Lieutenants, pilots, or just new recruits. They didn't have the experience these five had. Leia had pondered over inviting both Rey and Finn to the meeting, but decided against it as Rey had finally pulled Finn away from Rose to get a proper meal in, sure it was a protein bar but it was better than starving.

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