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YAVIN 4 was exactly how Poe remembered. It was filled with life and not just the people but the environment. Everything just looked lively and filled with potential. It made him sort of feel a little less bad as he saw the lush trees take over the view of below from the Falcon's cockpit.

Sure, Poe was excited to see his dad, but also quite nervous. It's been years since he had actually hugged the man, and he knew he should've visited in the past, but just made excuses to not come back. Poe stepped out of the cockpit, allowing the Wookiee, who've been doing this a lot longer than Poe has been alive, to continue piloting the ship. He stepped into the halls and made his way through the ship, stopping by his droid bumping against his legs.

"Hey, buddy." Poe says and knelt down.

BB-8 beeped at him. Poe forced a smile on his face as he patted the droid on the top of his head. BB-8 was worried and Poe tried to play it off for a while now.

"I'm okay, bud." He says and stands up, "So where is Amara?"

BB-8 beeped again and began to roll off. Poe took that as a sign to follow his droid down the Falcon. As Poe walked he reached where he spots Amara, Rey, and Finn all sitting at the table laughing. They seemed to have gotten close in the sort amount of time, Poe was glad. He knew Amara would get along get with Finn. And sure, he didn't know Rey personally until she came and saved them on Crait, but he had a feeling the Jedi in training would get along get with Amara.

Poe felt his droid roll pass him and into the room. BB-8 beeped at his friends, causing them to look at the droid, although, Amara's eyes moved to Poe lurking by the doorway. Poe gives her a grin. However, before Amara could say anything, Finn noticed Poe first.

"Poe!" Finn stands up.

Finn and Poe had a strong bond. Finn and Poe may have only known each other for a short amount of time, but the two have become close.

Amara couldn't help but smile at it.

Finn goes over to Poe and hugs his pilot friend. Poe accepts Finn in a hug and held onto his former trooper buddy close. Finn let go of Poe and kept the smile on his face, but his hands were on Poe's shoulders.

"I've been wondering where you've been," Finn says, "I haven't seen you since we boarded the Falcon."

Poe grins sheepishly, "Right, um- sorry about that." He says.

Finn kept the smile on his face and says, "No worries buddy," Finn says, "At least you're here now."

Poe nods.

Finn moves back to the table, he scoots over allowing room for Poe to sit. He sits next to Finn on the right side of Finn was Amara, and next to Amara was Rey.

"We were just talking about Yavin 4," Rey spoke up, "I've never been before."

Finn nods as well, "Same here," He says.

Amara doesn't look at anyone but says, "I've been a few times before. But I don't think Poe was around during my visits."

Poe glanced at Amara.

It's true that they didn't officially meet until Amara joined the Resistance officially, but the two knew of each other in passing. Poe was more familiar with Ben Solo than Amara Solo. However, he knew his father had mentioned her a few times.

Poe shakes his head, "I might've been off planet," He says, "Or in the New Republic Navy."

Amara shrugs her shoulders, "Who knows," She says, "But I remember the trees so vividly."

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