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SHE HAD expected it to an extend. Rey was in the elevator on Snoke's ship with Kylo Ren. They were on their to the Supreme Leader. Rey, cuffed, looked over to Kylo Ren.

She frowns, "You don't have to do this. I feel the conflict in you." She says, "It's tearing you apart. Ben, when we touched hands, I saw your future."

Kylo Ren looks at her. She reached out to him and kept her gaze on him.

"Just the shape of it, but solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke. You will turn. I'll help you. I saw it." Rey tells him.

Kylo Ren frowns and looks away, "I saw something, too. Because of what I saw, I know when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn. You'll stand with me."

Rey pulls away from him, looking forward and no longer at him.

Kylo Ren glanced at her, "I saw who your parents are."

When he said that, Rey looked up at him. But the moment didn't last long, because the elevator door opened, revealing the throne room. Snoke sat on his throne and smirks. Kylo Ren shoves Rey forward into the throne room. Rey glanced at Kylo Ren before turning to Snoke.

"Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored." Snoke says.

Kylo Ren and Rey stop. Kylo Ren knelt down before Snoke, whereas Rey stands looking at the Supreme Leader.

"Young Rey," Snoke says, "Welcome."


THEY WERE frantic in the bridge. They had one shot in order to get this done. Poe and Amara were frantically moving around, Connix was by the controls, and 3PO was just going on and on. C-3PO starts to leave, to which Amara goes over and steps in front of the droid. She tilts her head and gives him a look.

"And where do you think you're going, 3PO?" Amara asks.

C-3PO looks at Amara, "It would be quite against my programming to be part of a mutiny." He says.

Amara looks at him, "I'm sorry, buddy, but you're stuck here."

"It is not correct protocol." 3PO says.

Poe storms over and grabs 3PO and practically drags him away from the door. 3PO whined the entire time.

"Oh!" 3PO exclaims, "Neither is this!"

As 3PO was dragged away with Poe, Amara halted in her movement. Her eyes shift, turning behind her to the door.

"Finn?" Poe calls out snapping Amara from her trance, "We're ready to make the jump."

"Now or never," They hear Finn's voice through the comm link.

"Now," They hear an unknown voice possibly the codebreaks says.

"You're up." Finn says.

Amara stepped over to Poe, he held the comm link in his hand and then his blaster. From the outside of the bridge, it sounded like people trying to get in. Amara took shelter behind a control table. Amara unholstered her blaster and glanced at Poe.

"You there, hands up!" The sound of a trooper came through the comm link.

"Watch 'em, watch 'em!" Another came through the comm link.

"Get down! I said, down!" A third one yells through the comm links.

Amara's eyes eyes widen and shifted her gaze to Poe. His spirits had shattered at that moment. He kept his gaze at the door, however.

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