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AMARA'S HANDS were shaking. Her body was trembling. And yet, no one, not a single soul knew what had happened to Ronon besides Amara and Torrin, and both were traumatized on what had happened to even comment on the issue.

Torrin was being treated for his newly given head wound, but also being lectured by not only his higher ups but Janan, who was worried sick about his friend.

Amara was taken to the medical tent with Torrin, but was guided in with Ben and Rey. Ben had given some of the officers some orders to make sure Rose stays clear with Orson until Amara comes out of this daze and finally stops shaking.

Poe was by her side the entire moment he saw her being guided out by Ben and Rey. Poe was tightly held by the younger woman, who seemingly no longer wept, but rather was silent.

After being given the okay by the medical droid, that is when the questions began to rumble. Poe, Finn, Rey, and Ben were all inside the room standing in various spots of the room. Meanwhile, Amara was sitting on the medical bed provided in the medical tent.

"What happened in there?" Finn asks.

"How were you able to fully take on Ronon alone?" Rey asks.

Poe lifts his gaze from Amara over to her big brother. The two men shared a similar look of concern for the silent brunette who hasn't yet muttered a word on what has happened yet.

"Excuse me," Ben says addressing everyone inside, "Can I have a moment with my sister?"

Finn gives a confused look, "What?"

"Ben?" Rey asks.

Ben doesn't look at anyone but Poe, "Please, general." He says.

Poe looks from Ben to Amara.

He can see how much Amara is suffering and is being eaten away by whatever happening inside. Inside the cell. A conflict that only three other people knew what had happened and it seems like no one is talking.

Whatever happens has them rattled.

Poe glanced back at Ben and nods, "Very well."

Rey opens her mouth to protest, but is met by Poe glancing at her and even Ben giving a look to object her next words.

"Please," Ben says, "I think I know how to help her,"

Finn nods, "I mean you are family," He says.

Finn begins to head out, followed by Rey who kept glancing back, and lastly Poe. Poe was the last to leave but halted at the entrance and motioned for Ben to come over to him.

"Take care of her," Poe says, "She's my everything."

Ben gives a small smile, "I know." He says, "And I will. I owe her a lot."

Poe nods.

The general leaves the former Sith to do whatever Ben had in mind to help ease Amara. Once Ben was alone with Amara, Ben looked over at his sister and could sense her pain.

"Killing him doesn't make you a monster," Ben says, "He was going to harm you or Torrin. It was in defense."

Amara finally moves.

She shakes her head and finally locks eyes with Ben. Her eyes looked hallow and filled with exhaustion.

"There was a number of things I could've done," Amara says, "I- I didn't have to kill him,"

Ben walks over and knelt down in front of her. His hands rest on her knees and he looks up at her.

"Amara," Ben says, "He would've tried everything to kill you or Torrin. What you did was justified."

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