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FROM WHAT Amara understood, apparently Poe is being a bit jealous or what not towards Finn for something he wanted Rey to know. And this was on Pasaana when they were in the sand pit. Apparently when she had gone under, Finn had shouted to Rey that there was something he wanted to tell her and during Amara spacing out due to her flashback visions, she hadn't heard Finn mention to Rey that he'll tell her when Poe wasn't around.

Based off what vibe Finn was giving off, it was personal and something he needed time to tell the young Jedi.

Amara glanced from her boyfriend pilot, he seemed to be calm and collective as they flown closer and closer to the planet of Kijimi. Amara knew little of this planet, but did know that it was a rather cold planet. But not nearly as cold as Hoth.

"Entering Kijimi's atmosphere," Poe says aloud.

Rey nods.

Rey flicks some switches for the ship as both her and Poe pilot the ship into the planet's surface. Amara caught glances by Finn, they were really just side glances. Amara was certain he wanted to talk about something with her, she got that from his eyes, but that's all she could tell from the former trooper.

"Amara," Finn says, "Why don't we get coats for everyone?"

Amara kept her gaze on Finn and nods, "Okay."

Rey and Poe have heard Finn and Amara speak and nodded briefly at the two, letting Finn and Amara know that they heard them. Finn allowed Amara to step out first, BB-8 stayed in the cockpit with this small droid called D-O and C-3PO. Finn and Amara had walked down the corridor of the ship and found what seemed to be a storage closet that had some jackets in it.

Amara pulled one out and glanced at Finn. He held two and had a frown on his face. Amara sensed something from him, she reached out to touch his shoulder, but he jumped back.

"Finn?" Amara asks, "Wh- What's wrong?"

Finn looks a little spooked at first and then sighs, "I- I have been sensing things." He says, "Emotions- uh feelings."

Finn couldn't bare to look at Amara. She wasn't sure why, though. Instead, Amara grabbed the fourth jacket and gestured Finn to the room where she had awoken from prior. She and Finn placed the jackets on the cots, and then Amara turned to face him.

"Sensing emotions," Amara says, "Like mine?"

Finn shakes his head, "No, no. More of Rey's actually," He says.

Amara nods, "For how long?" She asks, "How long has this been happening?"

Finn shrugs his shoulders and scratches the back of his neck, "Well, on Ajan Kloss, actually. I- I started to sense your feelings first. When it was discovered the Emperor was still alive, I felt the anxiety through you before I witnessed you shaking."

Amara frowns.

"I- I just assumed it was because we're friends and I am close with you," Finn says, "But on Pasaana, I sensed feelings from Rey that felt like there was no way I could just know as her friend."

Amara kept her eyes on him, "You're Force sensitive?"

Finn shrugs, "Maybe."

"And that's what you're keeping for Poe?" She asks, "Why?"

Finn shakes his head, "I know he loves you, Amara, but I know how he feels about the Force. After Kylo Ren tortured him on the Finalizer, I- I know he gets nightmares sometimes still." He says, "How he acts with Rey and your training. I- I don't think he'd take it well."

Amara placed her good hand on Finn's shoulder, "Poe, is a lot of things, but he would not shame you for this. He is having a hard time as we all are." She says, "We're in war and I know the stress of it is getting to him. Believe me, it's getting to me too."

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