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POE HAD listened to his father's message. Most of it was same old same old. Asking when Poe was coming back to Yavin IV to visit. Poe had been telling his old man that he'd visit when things settle down, but things only got busier since the last time he had called his dad.

Poe sat at his desk in his general's office. He was tapping the desk, thinking. He was considering on calling his dad or not.

He knew that Amara would get upset if he didn't call Kes.

Poe leans back in his chair and then shakes his head, he hasn't spoken to his dad in maybe a month, due to how busy he's been. And he and Kes have been leaving messages for the other to listen and then send another message.

Poe decided to call home.

He pulled up his holocomm and phoned his dad. It took a few moments but after what seemed to be a minute or so, Poe saw his father's face blue and as a hologram.

"Son," Kes smiles, "I see you got my message."

Poe gives his dad a smile, "Yeah, I just gave it a listen."

Kes observed his son, "You look tired, son."

"I just got back from Coruscant." Poe says, "Haven't had time to slow down."

Kes sighs, "You need to pace yourself son." He says, "Give some work to your co-general. Or even ask Amara, I'm certain she'd want to help."

Poe smiles, "I know she would," He says and shakes his head, "She has a lot to deal with at the moment with her Jedi training."

Kes nods, "I heard the news of Ben Solo." He says, "You trust him?"

Poe looks at his father, "I do. I know Leia would, not only that but both Amara and Rey trust him. That is enough for me." He says.

Kes nods.

There was a moment of silence between the father and son. Poe's gaze drifted to a photograph in a frame next to the hologram of hi father, it was a photograph of Amara and Poe. This photo was taken on Ajan Kloss by a new recruit who had a camera and decided to take a photo after the two announced their engagement.

"So," Kes says, "You finally propose?"

Poe glanced at his dad, "Huh?"

"You aren't wearing your mother's ring," Kes gives a smile, "I knew you'd only let it go if you found the right person."

Poe reached to where the ring would've rested on his chest, remembering the fact that it wasn't on him anymore. Poe lowers his hand and just nodded at his father.

"I'm happy for you son," Kes smiles, "You and Amara will have such a wonderful life together."

Poe grinned, "When we announced it on the base apparently there was a running bet on how long it would take us to get engaged." He chuckled, "Jess seemed to have won that bed."

Kes kept the smile on his face.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but things got too crazy here," Poe says, "After our trip to Naboo things just- just moved so fast."

Kes nods, "I understand, son. Remember I was there in the wake of the victory for the Rebels. I may not have stayed during all the complicated stuff like you are doing, but I get it." He says, "It isn't easy to rebuild after a war."

Poe agrees, "No. It isn't."


POE HAD finished his call with his father and sought out to find Rose. Connix had told him that she needed to see him, so Poe decided to seek her out instead of sending someone to collect her.

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