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WITHIN SECONDS of landing on Kylo Ren's Stardestroyer, there were already blaster shots fired. Two troopers approached their ship as the ramp lowered demanding to see identifications, but were met with blast shots to the chest. The same to the others in the hangar.

Rey, Poe, Finn, and Amara all exit the ship.

"You three stay there!" Rey orders the droid.

"Happily." 3PO says.

Amara glanced to Finn, "So which way?" She asks him.

Finn glanced at her, "Uh, I have no idea," He says, "But follow me."

Finn begins to head out of the hangar with the other three following after him down a corridor. As they sprinted, Rey's right hand held onto her staff in case of a fight. Poe and Finn had their blasters out.

But, Amara didn't have her weapon out. Her blaster was destroyed on Pasaana and all she had was her saber. A weapon she was not going to just play around with.

They sprinted down passing a corner in the corridor they ran down, but stopped.

"Did you hear that?" Rey asks.

"Hear what?" Poe asks looking at her.

Amara heard it, "Footsteps."

In the distances they could hear the footsteps of Stormtroopers coming their way. The four of them moved to the other side of the room and found paneling that they could squeeze behind to avoid being spotted as the troopers came by. Once the sound of the footsteps seemed to get quieter, the four poked their heads out and began to walk down onward.

Finn ran out first, blaster drawn and ran around a corner to point down a hallway. It seemed cleared as the others followed behind him. Poe pointed his blaster forward towards the direction the troopers came from and Rey pointed behind them. Meanwhile, Amara just felt useless.

"Now I wish I had a blaster," Amara says.

Poe gives her a grin, "You could've picked up one from the troopers in the hangar."

Amara gives him a look.

Finn glanced at them, "If you two are going to bicker, now is not the time."

Finn lowers his weapon and moves down the corridor where the troopers came from. Rey, Poe, and Amara followed after him. So far the coast was clear until they heard the sounds of doors opening.

They turned around them, saw nothing.

But then two troopers appeared, armed and aimed at them.

"Drop your weapons!" One trooper shouted.

Poe and Finn quickly lower their weapons. Amara had her hands up but considered another option, but Rey beat her to it. Rey puts her blaster in it's holster and begins to move forward. Rey walks forward and waves her hand in front of them.

"It's okay that we're here," Rey says.

The two troopers lower their weapons from aiming at them.

"It's okay that you're here." One trooper says.

"It's good you're here," The other says.

"You're relieved we're here." Rey says waving her hand again.

"Thank goodness you're here," One trooper says.

"Welcome guys," The other says.

Poe and Finn, looking completely shocked and confused, watched this unfold. Poe leans a little too close to Finn, sort of distancing himself from Amara.

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