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AMARA APPROACHED Vira, they were readying the speedsters and about to jump face first into some serious fire power.

"Vee," Amara says, "You're not a pilot."

Vira was about to climb into her speedster looks at her friend, "I use to pilot ships before," She says, "My old life."

Amara doesn't say anything.

"Mar, look." Vira turns away and placed her hands on her friend's shoulders, "I am doing this because we have no other choice. I can't sit in here and wait."

"I could pilot the speedster instead," Amara says.

Vira grins, "Sorry, Commander Solo, but I don't believe I've ever seen you pilot anything that didn't have a co-pilot."

Amara frowns.

"I have to do this, Mar." Vira says, "I've been lurking in the shadows of the Resistance for years. I need to do something that is meaningful."

Amara shakes her head, "Vee."

Vira pulls Amara in for a hug. It was something in that hug that was both sweet but also sad. Amara had a feeling, she had a small feeling that Vira was saying goodbye, just in case.

From afar, Poe stood watching. He had BB-8 nudging his leg, trying to get him to go over to Amara, but Poe knew the girls needed a moment. He didn't force Vira to do this, she volunteered. She knew that almost all of the pilots had volunteered, but despite that left one spot open. Poe knew Vira volunteered after Rose and Finn did, because she didn't want Amara volunteering.

When Amara and Vira parted, Vira pats Amara on the head and goes to climb up the speedster. Amara's eyes drift from her friend to Poe. Amara walked over to him and he does the same. The two meeting each other halfway. They stood staring at each other in silence in the hangar as people were quickly getting things together for the speedsters and comm links.

Poe takes Amara's hand, "You know," He says, "I can't promise anything."

Amara looks into his eyes and placed a hand on his cheek. She takes in his features, he was exhausted but no doubt was she. He looked like he aged a few years in the few days.

"I know," She says, "I'll manage the comm link inside."

He nods.

Poe lowered his head on her forehead, the two of them closed their eyes. Amara took in a deep breathe and slowly exhaled.

He opens his eyes and then looks at her with a small smug, "One kiss, for good luck?"

Amara grins and shakes her head, "Come back to me," She says, "And when this is over, you'll get that kiss."

Poe grins but instead kisses the top of her head regardless. Amara never wanted that to end, but sadly it did. She watched him part away from her. She watched him jog to his speedster.

Amara saw Finn holstering himself inside his speedster. Amara saw Rose checking the comm link. Amara saw Vira putting on her helmet. Amara's eyes dart back to Poe. He had climbed into his speedster, his was in the front. He took charge of this attack.

Amara hitched her breathe and mutters tightly, "May the Force be with you all." She says.


RED AND WHITE were the colors being bleed together on this salt planet. Poe's eyes were straight ahead taking in everyone as he and the other Resistance members were piloting their speedsters in the direction of the First Order barrage. Poe felt his speedster wobble and shake as he forces it downward, willing the small craft to work with him instead of being against him. Poe claims to be the best pilot in the Resistance, surely he could pilot this craft.

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