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THE NEW base was surrounded by a jungle. Not much different than Yavin 4, but not exactly the same as D'Qar. Ajan Kloss has become a new home for the Resistance. And just in the month and a half the Resistance has made Ajan Kloss their base planet, a lot of improvement as been made. More recruits coming onto the base to be trained in either piloting, which they were in desperate need for or in the medical field. They've managed some mechanics as well as former New Republic Navy members, like Poe.

Despite the booming of help coming their way through the recruits and even new supplies, it meant time apart from Amara and Poe. Poe had been a leader over a numerous amounts of missions. He would leave the planet with Finn and Chewie on the Falcon, and maybe be back for a few days before departing again. Amara has been taking her Jedi training seriously, which had been mostly mediating. Leia had been helping her with mind tricks and different fighting styles that Luke had taught her, but other than that Amara had spent most of her time in the jungle alone. Sort of like Rey, but Rey's training has been more hands on than just mediation.

Amara hadn't told anyone about the Force ghost of her grandfather, she felt it was no one's business really. She had taken the words Anakin had left her with, mediating and remaining focus. Also being patient. She wasn't patient, she was her father's daughter.

As Amara returned back from her intense mediation in the jungle, she is greeted by Rose.

"You've been gone longer than usual," Rose grins, "I was about to ask the General to send a search party."

Amara couldn't help but smile, "Sorry about that, I got too caught up." She says.

Rose shakes her head, "No it's okay." Rose informs, "I was told when I see you next to tell you that the General is looking for you."

Amara nods, "Alright and where can I find her?"

Rose grins.

Amara had a point on asking. Just like herself, Leia seemed to be everywhere and hard to find these days. Leia was either speaking with officials, giving missions, training Rey, training Amara, and so on.

"Her quarters," Rose says.

Amara nods.

Rose and Amara part ways, Rose heading to hand off a datapad to Jess and Amara heading to the cave.

Amara headed inside the cave that was use for multiple needs. The natural limestone cave close to the hangar for the starfighter landing zone was used as a hangar for the Tantive IV, and the command center for the Resistance. Due to the base still in it's early stages, despite being on the planet for a month and a half, the Tantive IV was also used as a generator, barracks, and a meeting spot. This was ordered out by Leia.

Amara passed Rey's spot. Rey had maintained a small part of the cave where she studied Jedi texts that she had stolen from the island Luke had isolated himself on. Rey had even repaired the lightsaber, with Amara watching, and studied the Kyber crystal.

The command center was on the left side of the cave, the Tantive IV in the middle, and Rey's Jedi section was on the far right side. Amara knew that where she was going was a small room in the cave set up which served as Leia's bedroom. Now mostly everyone who wasn't on duty slept on the Tantive IV, Amara included, but sometimes Leia would be working late and so a small room was built for the stubborn woman who refused to rest if needed.

Amara reached the small quarters built for Leia. She knocked on the door. Waited a moment and then out came Leia.

"Amara," Leia looked rested, "You're done mediating?"

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