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AMARA FELT a little better speaking to Poe about her concerns, but she still worries. And now, Poe knew her concerns and worries.

Amara found herself in the Falcon cockpit to be by herself.

Poe had a meeting with Finn. Orson was off with Rose learning how to repair a droid. Rey and Ben were off training, or something.

Amara was sitting in the pilot's seat.

Her father's seat.

She looked out the window and then closed her eyes.

She sighs.

"I sort of expected to find you here," It was Freya.

Amara didn't turn around in the seat.

Freya stepped further into the cockpit. She took notice the lack of response from the younger Solo.

"I use to spend all my time trying to fix this rust bucket. Your father always believed in this ship." Freya smiles.

"It's saved our lives plenty of times," Amara says.

"That it has," Freya says smiling at the familiar controls.

Amara watched as Freya sits down in the co-pilot seat next to her. Amara doesn't hold the gaze long, she darts her eyes elsewhere not to look at Freya.

"I make you uneasy?" Freya asks.

Amara frowns.

"Why now?" Freya asks.

Amara sighs, "The Force is testing me."

Freya leans back in the seat, "Isn't it always testing us," She says, "But I assume this has to do with the feeling you've been enduring for a while now?"

Amara sneaks a glance at Freya.

"You're not the only one who senses it." Freya says.

"Ben too?" Amara asks.

Freya nods, "Rey and I'm certain Finn does as well."

Amara covered her face with the palms of her hands. She shakes her head in frustration. She has been worried about the Brotherhood. She has been worried about Karawn. She has been worried about not feeling the presence of her family.

"You took a life, Amara." Freya says, "It doesn't get easier to bare that burden."

Amara lifts her hands from her face.

"I've been where you've been. With my stained hands due to bloodshed I had done in my youth." She says, "I was a little older than you are now."

Amara glanced at Freya.

"It was life or death, Amara. You did every possible way to find a peaceful solution, but at the end of the day you were not reasoning with a person with a sane mind." Freya says.

Amara frowns.

"I can't stop picturing it," Amara says, "But- But that's not the worst part of it."

"What is it?" Freya asks.

Freya watched as the young woman pulls her legs up to have her legs rest against her chest. Her arms wrapped around it as some sort of protective barrier.

"I nightmare of my friend who- who we lost in the war. She was a Force user in the dream- no she was a Sith. She wasn't Force sensitive. But- But she had sliced her blade through me." Amara says.

Freya frowns.

"It's- It's been so scary." Amara says, "The fact that Vira knew of the Brotherhood. I- I feel like I was speaking to Karawn. Somehow."

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