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SOME OF the troopers that Jannah and her company saved wanted to stay, and other remained until they knew exactly where they wanted to go. Jannah, Finn, and Jace, as well as other former troopers who left the First Order made the transition into the Resistance quite well for them.

Although, as peaceful as it was when Poe and Finn spoke to the troopers about their stay with the Resistance base for temporary or for good, they knew that some of those kids knew Ben Solo was here.

Finn assured to them that he was no longer the evil man they knew, but Poe couldn't blame some of these kids for being nervous about the former Supreme Leader being here.

Poe had left the meeting with Finn and the former troopers, when he noticed Amara from afar. She was sitting on the dirt reading some of the text Luke had left behind, her brows furrowing as she read.

Poe placed a hand on Finn's shoulder, "I'll catch up with you in a second,"

Finn nods, "Want me to start the meeting with Senator Ara?"

Poe nods.

Finn parts ways with his co-general, as Poe walks over to his future wife.

Amara lifts her gaze up before Poe could even open his mouth to greet her. Amara is met with a goofy smile on the man she loves.

"Hi," She says.

"Hey," Poe says.

Amara closes the book and stands, "So how are the new recruits?"

"They're not all new recruits," Poe says, "Some want to find their place in this whole galaxy."

Amara held the book up on her chest as she clenched it tight, "That's completely understandable." She says.

Poe nods, "I wanted to check on you," Poe says, "After last night with that meeting and that vision you and Ben had-."

Amara gives a small smile, "I'm fine. I've been trying to do some research in maybe finding this individual faster." She says.

Poe looks at the text, "Those are ancient Jedi text? The ones Rey usually carries around?"

Amara nods, "She is letting me borrow them," She says, "I figured if I read it maybe I could find someway to find this new evil."

"As long as you don't push yourself," He says, "I want to figure out who this is too, but I don't want you to make yourself sick worrying."

Amara placed a hand on Poe's shoulder, "You lecturing me on pushing myself. That's kinda ironic, general." She grins.

Poe shakes his head with a small smile.

Amara's eyes drift where Poe and Finn came from. They were in a tent near the command center, and stepping out of said tent was the troopers accompanied by Company 77.

Amara looked at these kids.

And kids was exactly what they were. The youngest looked to be ten and the oldest looked to be eighteen. The ages were mixed as was their skin tone, but one thing was for certain they were all human.

Poe noticed where she was looking at and glanced over.

"I didn't realize how young they were," Amara frowns.

Poe nods, "The younger ones want to find their parents," Poe says, "And with the chain codes Ben gave us, we think we may be able to reunite those kids with their parents."

Amara frowns deeper.

"That is if they're still alive." Poe says, "I was reading over some of the chain codes, Amara."

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