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BLUE SQUADRON had checked in with Poe and Finn. They had arrived at the location but had begun to set up surveillance. Poe and Finn spent a long time talking to Blue Squadron's commander before the holocall ended.

The two generals exchanged looks before going on to their next task.

"Connix," Poe calls out, "Any word on Jannah and her company on finding splinter cells of First Order supports?"

Connix turns over, "She sent an update during your call with Commander Kallus," She starts, "Currently Jannah has formed two teams, her and Jace are leading each team into the facility. As far as they can tell they won't be over powered."

Poe nods.

"Any word on the possibility of more children there?" Finn asks.

Connix shakes her head, "Only speculations of weapons and officers."

Finn nods.

"Thank you, Kaydel." Poe says.

Connix nods and then goes back to the datapad in her hands.

The two generals head out of the command center, when they stepped outside, they are met with Amara walking over with a bag slump over her shoulder.

"Amara?" Poe starts confused, "We discussed that-,"

Amara shakes her head, "I will wait to face Karawn," She says.

Finn gestures to the bag, "Could've fooled us."

Amara looks at them, "I've done some meditation," She says, "My connection to the Force feels isolated and distant. I- I tried reaching out to many past Jedi for some sort of guidance, but it seems one has been trying to reach out to me."

Finn tilt his head, "Really?"

Poe furrows his brows, "Who?" He asks.

"A former padawan learner of my grandfather," She says, "Ahsoka Tano. I- I've been reading over any sort of information mom had about her during the times of the Clone War, the Rebellion, and any last known locations."

"Leia had information about her all this time?" Poe asks.

Amara gives a small smile, "Apparently the title of Fulcrum was originally a title Ahsoka went by during the time of the Empire. She was a key ally in the Rebellion." She says, "She helped aided the Ghost crew."

Finn and Poe listened to her.

"I commed Rex. He told me as much as he could about Ahsoka as he possible could. She- She got the chip out of him that was used to get all the clones to turn on the Jedi and kill them." Amara says, "She's- She's someone I need to speak to."

"Now?" Poe asks.

Amara nods, "Yes, now." She says, "I- I can't go to Nevarro until your squadron gives the okay, so- in the meantime, I need to embark on this quest."

Poe looks at her a little sad, "You can't just up and go across the galaxy on a wild chase."

Amara drops the bag on the ground, "I can't just sit here on this planet and do nothing. I- I can't just sit here and wait to go after Karawn and the Brotherhood." She says, "I- I need to do something."

Poe sighs, "You know," He says, "Your stubbornness is striking of Leia's."

Amara nods, "I know."


A YOUNG Freya was sitting at a trading post somewhere deep in the Outer Rim. She was getting her ship refueled as she found herself as a cantina.

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