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POE SAT alone in the command center. He was obsessively staring at the screens in front of him. He was slightly hoping for some sort of answer, from who he wasn't sure. From Blue Squadron being led by Jess or any sort of news from Amara.

He wished he could've gone with her, but he couldn't. He was a general and needed to stay behind. He had to man the base, as Amara told him as she was packing to leave.

As comforting as it was to know she wasn't alone because Chewbacca was with her onboard the Falcon, as well as R2-D2 and C-3PO, but after finding out Orson went rogue and hid away on the Falcon made Poe a little upset.

He knows how much Orson means to Amara, and last thing he wants is something bad happening to the kid.

"You okay, general?" It was Ben.

Poe turns around to face the other man, "Honestly?"

Ben raises his eyebrows to indicate he wants the truth.

"No, I'm not." Poe says.

Ben sighs as he steps further into the room.

"Yeah, well, Mari has always been like this. She's too headstrong and very stubborn when she makes her mind up." Ben let out a sad smile, "She reminds me so much of our mother, its scary."

Poe heard a small chuckle escape the other man's lips.

"I- I recall the first time we were properly introduced," Poe started rambling, "Amara was a bit timid and nervous, I guess that was to be expected given what happened-,"

Poe glanced over at Ben.

Ben had ducked his head in shame.

"But- But the more I got to know her over the years," Poe smiles softly, "The more I did see similarities to Leia and even Han, but she is much more than their daughter."

Ben nods, "I know."

"I can even see some of Leia's spark in you too, Ben." Poe says.

Ben snapped his gaze over at the former flyboy turned general.

"For what it's worth," Poe offers a small smile.

Ben slowly loosened up, "I appreciate it, general." He says.


AMARA, CHEWIE, and Orson sat with Rex, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine inside their command center on the base of Lothal.

"I can't say I've seen Ahsoka since then," Zeb says, "I have a hard time keeping in contact with my own son, let alone a Jedi."

Amara nods, "I- I'm sorry we kinda recruited Janan."

Hera shakes her head, "Zeb doesn't mean it as an insult." She says, "We are really proud of what you all have done in the Resistance to defeat the First Order. We're really proud of Janan and Torrin."

Amara offers a small smile.

Rex glanced over at Amara, "We heard about the injury Torrin faced." He says, "He commed here a couple nights ago to speak to us."

Amara's smile vanished, "Right." She says, "Yeah,"

Sabine tilts her head, "Is it possible you can shed a light on the situation?"

Amara glanced at Sabine and then to Orson, "I uh-,"

Orson shakes his head, "I was forced into the First Order," He says, "And I live on the base. I am capable of hearing the truth."

Amara frowns.

His innocents was beyond repair at this point. Children hauled into warfare are corrupted so easily.

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