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A DAY turned into two days. And two days turned into a week. Seven days they've been on Yavin 4, during which the Resistance had been reached out by Poe's squadron and had left to find them which was two days ago. Amara was not nervous. She knew he was going to be okay. After all he left in the Falcon with Chewie and Finn, so she knew he was in good hands.

Rose had woken up right before Finn had left, which was such a relief for not only him but everyone else. Leia had requested time with Rose to fill her in personally on what had happened and as well fully give her condolences for the loss of her sister.

It was the morning of their seventh day on Yavin 4. Amara came out of her tent, fully dressed and ready for the day. She had zipped shut her tent and turned to see Rey out before everyone else. She had come to accept that with the young Jedi in training. Rey was mediating and seemed to be fully focused on her mediation. Amara was not wearing her jacket today, Yavin 4 had such a nice weather, not so much different than D'Qar, but the mornings were much warmer than D'Qar.

"Morning, Amara." Rey greets her without opening her eyes.

Amara had a small smirk on her face, "Morning, Rey."

Amara watched as Rey opened her eyes and then uncrossed her legs. Rey rose from where she was sitting and looked over at Amara.

Amara stepped over closer to Rey, "Early morning mediation?" Amara asks.

Rey nods, "It's oddly soothing." She replies with in a small smile.

Amara couldn't help but smile, "Maybe I'll try it out." She says.

Rey noticed what she had failed to sense before, Amara had a small bag by her feet. She was going somewhere and it seemed to gain Rey's interest.

"So what's the bag for?" Rey asks gesturing to it.

Amara glanced down before looking up, "I was going to hike further on the Dameron land."

"Why?" Rey asks her while tilting her head.

"Well my uncle and Poe's mother planted this-," Amara was about to tell Rey but then goes, "Want to come with me and find out?"

Rey had a small smirk on her face, "You mean it?"

Amara nods, "Yeah." She says, "I haven't had a fun adventure with you yet."

Rey held the smirk on her face, "Might make Poe jealous." She says.

"Poe is somewhere in space," Amara says, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."


THE GIRLS reached the Dameron farm, finding Kes and Leia outside early talking on the front porch. It was not surprising to Amara. She knew her mother was an early riser, always have been. Amara could only assume that Kes was still set in his ways when he was in the military. Kes and Leia were both sitting on the chairs that rested on the porch. Kes stands up when he sees the two girls reach them. Leia, however, remain in the chair.

"Morning you two," Kes says.

Rey gives him a small smile, "Good morning."

Amara held a smile, "Morning."

Leia noticed a bag on each girl's back. She had a small feeling where they were planning on going today.

"Where are you two off too?" Leia asks.

Amara meets her mom's eyes, "Oh uh- I was wondering if I could take Rey hiking through your land. I think there is something there she'd want to see."

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