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BEN AND Amara ran straight ahead as they got further and further from their ship. As they reached an opening on the ground, both siblings looked at each other before just jumping as they ran out of space to run.

The pair fell to the ground and landed hard.

Amara rolls her eyes, "I should've stayed in the X-Wing," She says

Ben shoves her arm, "Come on," He stands, "Let's go."

Amara sees Ben hold out his hand to her. Amara grabbed it and was forcefully pulled up by her brother. Ben and Amara raced toward Palpatine's throne room, as they rounded a corner Ben pulled Amara closed with one arm and extended the other to fire his blaster. Amara glanced behind and saw a Knight of Ren, dead on the ground. Amara looks at her, nearly shocked.

"I would've sensed him," Amara says.

Ben smirks, "After he blasted you,"

Amara groans, "You're annoying." She says.

They continued running further and further. As they rounded another corner, they were met with two Knights of Ren approaching them. Ben held his blaster outward pointing towards them, whereas Amara reached at her belt and ignited the green saber. The Knights of Ren weren't just coming from the front, there were some approaching from the rear.

Amara glanced at Ben, "So what's the plan, bro?" She asks.

Ben gives her a side glance, "Take them down and help Rey."

Amara shrugs, "You make it sound so easy," She grins.

The number of the Knights of Ren seemingly doubled, there were now twelve of them approaching the Solo siblings. They seem to walk in a circle around Ben and Amara, watching them, seeing who would deliver the first strike.

Amara glanced at Ben, he glanced at her briefly and nodded.

Ben extended his hand out, sending one back by the Force. Amara spun her saber as one before to blast at her with the blaster weapon that knight carried on him. She spun around, extending her left hand outward causing another one to fly back.

Ben fires his blaster, only to see one coming closer towards him, he ducks. Amara went to strike her blaster at one, but they held their hand out halting it with the Force. Amara held the saber handle tightly and then was thrown back. She rolled on the ground and her saber turned off.

Ben was being hit in the face over and over by the Knight of Ren's weapons. Then one shoves his weapon hard against Ben's stomach, causing the man to collapse to his knees. Ben looks up and sees Amara beginning to get up and used the Force to bring her saber back to her hand. As Ben watched his sister, one of the Knights of Ren slammed their weapon against Ben's face causing the man to fall onto the ground.

"Ben-!" Amara shouts.

Amara ignites the green blade and came running in. She used the Force and shoved two men back, she flips in the air and stabs one in the chest. The one she stabbed was the one who was the last to assault her brother.

At this point, despite how many blows to the head Ben has suffered, his vision was not doubled. He noticed that at least half the men were gone. Leaving six. Six he couldn't handle without a saber.

Amara held her saber out, standing behind her brother as he rose up. Ben winced as one of his hands clenched his stomach. As Amara watched the Knights of Ren prepare to fight, they lift their weapons up. Waiting for the right moment to strike the Solo siblings. Amara peaks a glance at her brother the best way she could, but then sensed something. She sensed something familiar or rather, someone.

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