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THE THREE Jedi; Rey, Ben, and Amara ran out of the throne room as debris and rumble were coming down. They reach the opening in the ceiling and noticed the platform elevator was not moving anymore. However, there was large chains.

The three looked to each other before nodding. Understanding what they needed to do. One by one, they climbed up the large chains. Rey climbed first then Amara and lastly Ben. Ben wanted to make sure the two girls were going up before him, because in his mind the girls were more important than him. The climb was a little difficult given the the debris coming down and the chain beginning to shake, but that was all over as Rey reached up first.

Once Rey got to the surface, she held her hand out for Amara to grab. Which Amara did. Rey helped pull up Amara. And in a few seconds after that, Ben came to view and both girls held a hand out for Ben to grab. Ben opted out from grabbing a hand, but pulled himself up without a problem.

They sprinted after that. A mad dash towards their X-Wings.

Rey noticed the two X-Wings.

"Wait? Only two ships?" Rey asks.

Ben nods, "I complained about the size, believe me."

Amara groans at her brother's comments, "You're really gonna start that shit again?"

They reached their respected X-Wings, but as Amara was climbing up to board her ship, she noticed her brother going to Rey's ship.

"Where are you going?" Amara asks.

"I'm going to fly with Rey," Ben says, "Don't worry, Mari, you're a descent pilot."

Amara held her hand up in a fist, wanting to hit him, but halted on not doing so. Instead, as Ben was climbing onto his uncle's old X-Wing, Rey glanced to Amara.

"If Ben is found on the base think about how the others might feel." Rey says, "He'd be safer somewhere else."

Amara glanced at her brother and her friend.

"I don't care what the others say," Amara says, "He's coming."

Ben looks at his sister, "Amara,"

Amara grabs her helmet for the X-Wing and placed it on her head, although, Amara turned to still fully face the two.

"I said I don't care." Amara says, "You're coming and that's final."

Amara climbs into her X-Wing and closes the hatch. She begins to flick some switches and the X-Wing turns on. Then it takes off.

Rey and Ben look at each other.

"I guess I'm coming to the base," Ben says.

Rey gestures for him to go in first, "I guess you are."

Ben climbs in the X-Wing and then Rey follows suit. She sits on top of Ben's lap, before she closed the hatch overhead. As Rey was closing the hatch, Ben was flicking switches and getting the ship on. Within moments after Rey had shut the hatch and was sitting on Ben's lap, the X-Wing took off out of Exegol.


POE CLIMBS out of his X-Wing. His eyes glanced around from the base, searching around at the survivors from the final battle. He walks through the crowd of people, arm in a sling. He walks pass Zorii, she had survived the attack on Kijimi and even survived the battle against the Final Order. The two look at each other, nodding before parting onward.

Poe sees Larma D'Arcy. The commander gives Poe a small smile after she had embraced her partner.

"You did it general," D'Arcy says, "Leia would be so proud."

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