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SHE DIDN'T expect to hear from him again. This soon. Amara was splashing water onto her face in the bathroom, and when she looked into the reflection of the mirror, she sensed him.

Amara frowns, "Is this some sort of game to you?" She asks.

"Like I said before, this isn't me or you." Kylo Ren says.

Amara's eyes narrow, "But it's someone else or something else." She ponders.

"Oh, are you trying to figure it out?" Kylo Ren seemingly smirked in his response.

Amara looks at him. She looked at him, really looked at him. She saw his eyes and sensed things she didn't sense on Starkiller Base.

Amara grabs a towel to dry off her face.

"You've talked to her, haven't you?" Amara asks, "Rey."

Kylo Ren frowns, "Seems like you are a natural. Too bad the potential will be loss when we destroy the Resistance."

Amara drops the towel on the side of the sink and turns to him. His eyes, it was an open book. He wavered. He was uncertain. Amara's brows furrow. Kylo Ren may still have some light in him.

"You hesitated," Amara says, "In the TIE fighter. You didn't didn't strike the Raddus. Your men did."

Kylo Ren says nothing to Amara, but she still looked at him. She fully faced the mirror, her hands resting on the rim of the sink.

"I know you claim that since I denied your offer, you'll kill me and everyone aboard." She says, "But you- you hesitated on dad. You almost looked stunned that you actually did it."

Kylo Ren looks at her.

"That day," Amara says, "On Starkiller Base. I saw it. I saw it in your eyes, Ben. I sensed it."

"You can read people, literally." Kylo Ren says as he stares at her, "Interesting. I've never heard of any Force user to be able to read a person by their eyes."

Amara kept her stare at him.

"Very interesting," Kylo Ren says, "As far as I know, a one of a kind."

Amara tilt her head, "Guess it must be the Skywalker blood." She says.

"Perhaps." Kylo Ren says.

The door swooshed opened, Amara turned her attention to see Vira at the door. And then the feeling of her brother was gone. She turned from Vira to the reflection again. Vira stays by the doorway. She looks at Amara with a little worry in her eyes.

"Mar," Vira says, "You talked to him again. Didn't you?"

Amara's gaze moved from the mirror to Vira. A sad smile escaped her lips as she nods.

"Yeah." Amara says.


LUKE HAD it. He marched up the hillside. A torch in his robot hand. He was determined. He was ready to rid the world of the way of the Jedi. As he reached the tree. The tree with all the ancient text, his gaze moved over and noticed the Force ghost of his old master.

"Master Yoda," Luke says.

"Young Skywalker," The Force ghost of Yoda spoke.

Luke looks at the tree, "I'm ending all of this. The tree, the text, the Jedi. I'm going to burn it down."

Yoda laughs, "Ah, Skywalker, missed you, have I."

Luke turned his gaze to the Force ghost, "So it is time for the Jedi Order to end."

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