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A MONTH has gone by since the defeat of Palpatine and the victory on the Resistance's part in the galactic war. Many things have remind the same, such being that the Resistance still operated on Ajan Kloss, still sending out missions to liberate occupations still enslaved by First Order survivors.

Although, some things have changed. That being the small acceptance of Ben Solo on the base, the three; Poe, Finn, and Amara had stood in front of the Resistance and fed them their lie. They knew the backlash of the truth being out there and many angry people would rather have Ben Solo die than accept him turning to the light, so continuing to blame Ben's turning on being controlled in some manner by Palpatine seemed to allow the Resistance's to empathize with him.

That being said, Poe ended up telling the truth to a few closer officers that he trusted the most. Larma D'Arcy, Kaydel Connix, and even told Rose. He knew these three women would've understood the truth better, and even get it from the sense of Leia would've accepted Ben back no questions if he had prior. So only ten people knew the absolute truth about Ben. And for now it'll stay that way.

Ben would stay on the base as Poe and Finn began to feed the narrative that Ben was a weak minded individual who was swayed to the dark side without the self control he has now. But now, it meant Ben didn't have to stay on the Falcon all the time.

Instead the older Solo has been practicing his training along side Rey. Most of his time alone was spent with Rey, but it wasn't much of a shocker. The Dyads have a connection. Many people besides the ten who know the truth tend to stay away from Ben, probably because they are uneasy around the former Sith, but Ben does not hold it against him.

Finn and Poe have had their work cut out for them. Poe has been traveling between Coruscant and Ajan Kloss often. Even though Poe dislikes politics, he would be offered to attend meetings with senators, and since Senator Ara supports the Resistances and seems to support Ben being on the base, it helped them greatly. With Senator Ara support, the senate has been able to give more muscle and resources to the Resistance in their final mission before the entire First Order either surrendered or captured.

As for Finn, he has been between going on missions with Company 77 or in the command center. He and Jannah were mainly focused on using the chain codes Ben gave Finn after the Battle of Exegol in finding where they came from in hopes of finding their family. Also, Finn had wanted to save those troopers who wanted to deflect and give them a new chance at life, like he and Jannah had done for themselves.

Meanwhile, Amara.

Well, Amara, she was Amara.


THE RAMP of the Falcon opened up and stepping down from the ship was none other than General Poe Dameron. He had just returned from a long and exhausting mission on Coruscant.

"Welcome back, buddy." Finn stands at the bottom of the ramp with a grin, "How was the meetings?"

Poe rubs the back of his neck, "Exhausting." He says, "Honestly, I don't understand how Leia could handle the politicians."

"She just didn't give in to their demands," Spoke Lando.

Lando had stepped down the ramp with Chewie right behind him. Both Lando and Chewie had accompanied Poe on this mission, they were their to advice and console Poe about moves that may benefit the Resistance.

BB-8 chirps beeps at Finn.

Finn looks at BB-8 and then to Poe, "Wow, no screaming in the faces of senators. I'm impressed." He grins.

Poe lets out a light laugh, "Oh ha ha," He says, "You tell one senator he's stupid and then everything thinks you have a short temper."

Finn goes to open his mouth but then closes it.

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