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AMARA HAD wondered more and more of this Freya person after her talk with Luke. She found herself inside the Falcon, it was late.

Everyone was resting.

She entered the cockpit of the Falcon, like she would to either get away from people or try to feel connected to her father.

Amara sat down in the pilot's seat, the seat her father use to take up. She looked out the window, seeing the starry night sky.

Amara leans her head back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I have many regrets Amara, one of those is letting Freya go. I wished I fought harder to keep her close, to help her overcome her fears. But, I know I can't change the past, all I know is I can try to help you." Luke had said.

That thought had stayed with her. She knew of back in that time that there weren't many Force users left after the Jedi purge that took place literally when the Republic fell and the Empire took over. Some Jedi who did survive went into hiding, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But Amara never considered there was more Force users. She had always knew her grandfather was one a powerful Jedi before he became evil. She knew her uncle was a strong Jedi. She knew a little of her own mother's training.

Amara sighs.

But she never knew of Freya Koda. She wonders why.

"After the war. Despite the victory, things still needed to be done." Luke's voice echoes, "I wanted to rebuild the Jedi Order, training the next generation of Jedi. Frey, she- she wanted nothing to do with the Force."

Amara doesn't understand what could cause someone who knows they are connected to the Force to be against it.

Amara then leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees.

"I guess I would be a hypocrite," She sighs.

Amara has her own issues to fully work out. She hasn't completely accepted her own fear to her own power, and she knows how strong she possibly can be. She fears what she can do with this strength.

"Hypocrite," A voice got her attention, "What's going on?"

Amara turns to see her man.

Poe looked exhausted. He had been out late working with the other officers in the command center and Finn with their recent set up of attacks to hopefully finish the First Order for good.

Amara watches as the pilot sits in the co-pilot seat and look at her.

"I spoke to Luke through the Force tonight." Amara says.

Poe looks at her as he rubs the back of his neck, "Oh? How did it go?"

Amara looks up, "Fine, but I'm just left with some questions." She says.

Poe kept his eyes on her, "Oh no, what is it?" He asks.

Amara glanced at him, "What?" She asks.

"Nothing, its just- usually after you have those chats with the Force spirits you're related to, you- I don't know feel like you have a lot more unanswered questions." Poe says.

Amara frowns, "I guess,"

Poe leans over and held onto her hand, "So what it is? Does it have anything to do with Ronon?" HE asks.

Amara shakes her head, "No." She says, "Not exactly. Luke told about a woman he once loved."

"Okay?" Poe asks not quite sure where it was going.

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