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THE ROOM was taken back by Amara declaration before them. She held a calm composure in front of her beloved ones. However, since Amara's sudden reveal, Poe and Finn had brought Chewie, Lando, and Rose into the meeting.

"How are you sure on Nevarro?" Rose asks.

Amara crosses her arms on her chest, "A feeling." She says.

Ben shakes his head, "Karawn is playing you. He wants you to come to him. He wants to get in your head."

Amara looks at her brother, "I'm not stupid, Ben, and I'm not a child." She says to him.

Rey glanced at Amara, "I'm sorry but I have to agree with Ben. This can be too dangerous." She says.

Amara shakes her head at Rey's response.

Poe nods, "Amara, we don't know what we're going after-."

"We didn't know how bad it was going to be for Exegol but we gave it our all." Amara says.

Finn shakes his head, "That's different-,"

Amara turns to him, "No, it isn't."

The room stares at the daughter of fallen heroes. Lando could see so much of Leia and Han in Amara at this moment.

From the entrance of the command center, Freya stood with her arms crossed on her chest. She was watching this unfold.

"We were fighting to save the galaxy," Amara says, "And the Brotherhood is a legitimate threat. Ronon was part of their cult."

Poe placed a hand on her shoulder, "Exactly why we should wait for more information." He says, "Ronon was a skilled warrior all the way up until his passing."

Amara wanted to yell.

She turned away from everyone and moved towards the command table. All eyes were on her as she did this.

Lando and Chewie shared looks at each other. Rose looked concerned. Ben seemed heated about this while Rey was trying to at least calm him down. Finn looked worried. And lastly Poe looked protective.

Freya seemed to have an indifferent expression.

Amara turns to them, "This isn't about me. This isn't about the Resistance." She looks at them, "This is about a dangerous group setting out to threaten what we just did. They are threatening the galaxy that we've just saved from Palpatine."

Amara was now strictly looking at Poe and only Poe.

"I want- I want the galaxy to be free, to be at peace. I don't want Orson to grow up with any more hardship." Amara says.

"What you're saying- What you're planning," Ben speaks up, "Would put you in the front lines. What would happen if you fall to Karawn? To the Brotherhood?"

Amara glanced at Ben.

"What if they kill you? Or worst you turn over?" Ben asks.

Amara shakes her head, "I- I won't."

"You can't be certain, Mari-!" Ben yells.

Amara made her hands into fists, "I'm not afraid of it anymore." She says firmly.

Ben tilts his head, "That's what you said before,"

Poe turns to Ben, "Ben-,"

Ben takes a step forward, "You said you were done being afraid after we captured Ronon. You said you were ready to move forward in your training. You said you were no longer keeping all that potential back."

Ben was now in his sister's face.

"And then you killed Ronon and all that confidence and strength breaks away," Ben says, "So I find it hard to believe you are not afraid anymore."

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