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PACING BACK and forth was Luke Skywalker, in the wake of what had happened previously. In the middle of the Falcon wasn't just the lone Jedi; Leia stood by Han, Han sat in a chair, Chewie was sitting at the table with Lando, and Freya stood by the doorway.

"I mean- I mean you shut yourself from the Force, all this time?" Luke asks.

Freya shakes her head, "Not the whole time," She says refusing to look at him.

"And everyone knew?" Luke turns to accuse his friends.

Chewbacca growled at Luke.

Han gestures to the Wookiee and then stands up. He moves away from Leia, who wanted him to stay where he was.

"Yeah, so what we knew?" Han asks, "It wasn't our place to tell you."

Luke looks at Han, "I'm not surprised. You're good at secrets."

"Luke-," Leia says.

Leia steps over towards her man and her twin. Leia interlocks her fingers with Han's to hold his hand. She looks at Han and then to her brother.

"Luke, it was not in our place to share." Leia says.

Luke's eyes drift to Freya.

"I- I can't believe you didn't tell me, Freya. I thought you trusted me," Luke says.

Freya finally looks at him, "I do,"

He heard her voice waver as she tried to keep herself from crying. It was apparent from her eyes getting red and the small sniffs that tears were threatening to slide down her face.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Luke says crossing his arms on his chest.

Freya pushes herself off the frame of the wall, "What was I suppose to say-!" She screams.

The room got silent for a moment. A little shock at the scream that came out of Freya's mouth.

"You could told me the truth," Luke says.

Freya ran a hand through her red hair, "I- I wasn't even ready to accept it, Luke. I- I don't even know if I want this life."

"Freya," Luke says, "You have an incredible gift. You can help me restore the Jedi Order."

Freya shakes her head.

"We can take the training slow," Luke says calming down, "I mean, based off how you handled Karawn, it wasn't bad, better than my first attempts."

Freya frowns at him, "No. The Jedi Order is not something I want to be apart of, Luke." She says.

"But- But," Luke says.

Han frowns and looks down.

Leia rubs Han's arm in support.

Chewie just shakes his head.

Lando seemed a little lost, but didn't say anything.

"Don't you understand? Sure, the Jedi are good and are protectors, but there is also a temptation to that darkness," Freya says with tears in her eyes, "I've seen what I could do- and- and it's not pretty."

"Wha-?" Luke seemed lost.

Han looks up, "Kid, just respect that she doesn't want your dream." He says.

"Han," Leia says.

Leia pulls Han back to try to get him to silence, but her boyfriend was not the type to follow what she said. He was almost a foot in the mouth kind of guy.

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