1. James going to Hogwarts

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"Jamie please don't forget me."  The young girl said to her older brother.   They stood just outside of platform 9 3/4 "I won't love.  How could I?"  James patted her head.  "First don't pat me I'm, not a dog.  Second, because I know you.  You won't write to me until Christmas break and summer break."  "Nonsense dearest sister.  You know you and Mother are the only two women in my life."  

"Mmh."  "James sweetie you got to go."  His mother said giving him a hug.  "Bye, my sweet boy write me often.  If you forget I will send a howler."  "I promise mum."  "I love you.  And your father wanted me to tell you he loves you."    "Bye Jamie."  "Bye Love I'll write."  "I know."  Hermione waved to her brother off.  "Mummy, can we go shopping?"  She asked her mother knowing she'll say yes.  "Hermione sweetie James just left.  "I know I want to get him a gift."  "Whatever for?"  "Forgetting into Gryffindor and not getting expelled his first night."  To this Elenore Potter gave a light laugh.  "My sweet girl."  

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK!"  A shrill voice shrieked.  "Oh, Merlin."  The older woman gave a sigh knowing her Aunt Walburga will surely start something.  After all, it's in her blood.   Suddenly Hermione was knocked from her feet. "Sorry kitten I didn't see you there."  Said the boy who knocked into her. "It's ok I guess."   "Sirius Black by the way and you are?"   "Hermione, Hermione Potter."  "Well, kitten I gots to be going see ya around."  He said getting off the ground and running to his trolly.  "Boys,"  Hermione whispered to herself.  "Sorry for my brother."  Said a voice behind her.  Another boy is a bit smaller in stancher but similar looking to Sirius.  "Here."  He said giving her his hand.  

This boy had grey eyes and black wavy hair.  "Regulus Black and that rude git was my brother Sirius."  "H-Hermione Potter and I know."  "Potter?"  "Yes."  "Pureblood?"  "Yes...."  "Reggie honey don't touch the blood traitors."  Said a beautiful woman.  She like her two sons had curly black hair.  But her eyes were a stunning shade of blue.  "Sorry, mum.  Bye Hermione."  "Bye Regulus." 

"Come Hermione lets get you some dolls."  Her mother said grabbing her daughter's hand.  


"Mummy let's get him some dung bombs."  "Ok Hermione quick. We need to be going now."   "ok"  

3 hours later:  

'Dearest Jamie,

How is Hogwarts so far?  Is it fun?  Have you forgotten me already?  Who are your new friends are they cute?  Just kidding Jamie don't throw a fit.    I miss you already I wish December was here already. 

Oh at the train station I met two boys Sirius and Regulus Black.  Do you know either of them?"  

All my love, 

Hermione Jean Potter, your dearest sister.' 

Sometime mid-day the next day Hermione received her reply. 

'Hermione love, 

Hogwarts is great just as dad described it but better.  Did you know the ceiling is charmed to look just like the outside?  Of course, you did you've read 'Hogwarts: A history how many times?  Oh that brings me to, yes I do have friends one of which I Remus Lupin you'd get along just fine.  And get those thoughts out of your had missy you will never date as long as I'm here.  Peter is my other friend he's, well he's Peter he's nice but odd.  And of course Sirius it seems you've already met but no I don't know Regulus.   I too wish I could see you My dear sister for I miss you so.  Oh look at me turning into a sad sop like dad.  Don't tell him I said that.    But its true.  I love you.


Your loving brother, James.;

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now