Lily Evans

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     Hermione burst into Gryffindor's common room, causing a group of first-years to jump.    Hermione was crying, which cause Sirius and Peter to come over and try to comfort her.  "Leave me alone."  She mumbled when Peter tried to hug her.  She made her way up to the fourth-year girl dorms, where Lily Evens was sleeping.  "Get up Lily."  She said shaking her.   

     "Getoffme."     Lily grumbled turning over in her bed, this only made the Potter girl shake her harder.  "Hermione."  Lily moaned when Hermione sprayed her with water, causing Lily to sit up quickly.   

     "Lily,"  Hermione said throwing herself into the redhead's arms.

     "What happened love?"  Lily asked stroking her hair.  

     "Regulus,"  Hermione mumbled into lilys bed shirt.  Lily sighed, she didn't really like the boy all that much but he was still friends with Hermione, so she was nice enough to him.  

     "What did he do?"  

      "He said he didn't want to be my friend because I was dating Remus then he called me a whore."   Hermione said really fast, so lily barely caught it.  "He's such a git! He's acting like he's not dating the Carrow girl."   

     "Ew, not her,"  Lily said gagging. 

     "That's mean Lils,"  Hermione said giggling at her friend's flushed face.  

     "I mean she's a little stuck up prat!"  Lily rambled.  

    "Perfect for Regulus."  Hermione cut in.  

      "I wouldn't know!"  Lily smirked.  "You would though.  Practically everyone knows you hang out together in your dorm, every Saturday."  Lily looked gloomy.  "Well until now huh?"   She said rubbing Hermione's knee.  

     "Yea."  Hermione looked down sadly.  "But who needs him?   Let's have some fun or something!"  Hermione said jumping up.  "We can ask James and Sirius!! They go to muggle London all the time!"  

     "Are you crazy!  We'll get in trouble!"  

     "Who cares!!"  Hermione said walking over to Lily's trunk.  "I want to wear... What do you call it a crop top?"  

      "I don't own any..."

     "I'll take one from Marlene!  She won't care!"  Hermione went through the blond's trunk, lifting out a ripped-up black cropped shirt.  "Brilliant."  

     "It's too cold for that!"  

    "Warming charms Lils.  You're a witch right!"  

     "Your too young.  Your 14."  

     "Marlene was wearing this at 12."


       "Lily please?"  


     "Yay."  Hermione spent some time playing dress-up.  First Hermione tried Marlene's fashion of punk rock, but that didn't work.  Then Lily modest knee-length skirts and shirts that covered the belly.  To Marys natural color schemes.  Last was Dacorus's mom's jeans and bright sweaters.  

     "You sure they won't mind this?"  Lily asked.  The girls were using their friend's clothes for the try-on, putting them back of course.

     "Nah we played dress-up before."

     "Oh.  Wait I haven't!  I mean not with them."  


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