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June 25th:

"Good morning Lily!"  Hermione said skipping towards the redhead.    A large smile spread out across her face.  

"What's got you so happy?"  She asked returning her smile.  

"Oh you know just the fact that my first year's already over,"  Hermione said sitting next to her, at the Gryffindor table.  "Which means I get to see my mum and dad."  

"I can't believe Im going to be the 3rd year,"  Lily said taking a bite of toast and eggs.  "I mean Im getting so old."  

"You're going to be 13."  

"I know so old!  I mean in 4 years Im going to be an adult.  And out of Hogwarts!"  

Hermione let out a soft giggle.  "I think you getting yourself too worked up."  She said patting her shoulder.  

That whole day (Until noon) was spent cleaning dorms and packing clothes.  Then they head off to the train again.  

Hermione sat with Lily, Regulus, Pandora, and Amilia.  "So what are you doing this summer?"  Pandora asked in her soft voice.

"Um, my mom and dad are taking us to the United States to see extended family,"  Lily said.

"Oh, that's nice!  Which state?"  Amilia asked looking at her with bright eyes.  

"Um, Kentucky.  I think.  I don't know I've never been." 

"Well, my mother is going to make me do chores all summer.  Lazy bint can't do anything herself."  Amilia said giving a small smile.  

"James and Sirius are going to be there the whole time so Im screwed,"  Hermione said protending to throw up.  

"poor you,"  Lily said rubbing her back.  

"I know its so sad."  

"Well, my mother is going to bug me about everything when I get home.   Like always."  Regulus said looking rather glum.  "Any way at least she won't be yelling at Sirius so that's a plus."  

"Yeah that's understandable,"  Hermione said.  "Want to play exploding snap?"  She was answered with nods.   Placing the cards facing down.  And each took turns pointing their wands trying to find the matches.   In the end, Lily won 2 games and Regulus 1.    

A few hours later the group gets off the train heading to their respectable families.  "Hey Lils, Panda, Mia I want you to meet my mum,"  Hermione said grabbing Amilias's hand.  Hermione looked around the crowd to find her mother's tall slim figure.  It stood out because of the 2 rowdy boys yelling chasing each other near her.   "Come."  She said pulling Amilia along with her.  

"Mum.  Mummy."  She said navigating her way through all the parents.  Lily, Pandora, and Amilia are close behind.  "Mum,"  She said once she made it to the women.  "Hermione.  Who are these pretty ladies."  She asked noticing the girls.  "Lily Evans,"  She said motioning to the redhead.  "Amilia Burns."  "And Pandora Miller"  "This is my mother, Elliana Potter."   

The 3 girls bid their hellos before heading to their families.  "We must be going boys and Hermione.  Your father is having an important guest over for dinner."  Her mother said grabbing the boys out of their game.   

"What type of Guest?"  James asked moving his head to the side to look at his mother, with a questioning look.  A panicked look washed over the women.  

"Ministry offices.  It's none of your business anyway."  She said quickly glancing up at the sky.  "Hurry children."  She said before grabbing their hands apperating them into the Potter manor.  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now