Important Guest

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When the group arrived at Potter manor the house elfs where already fast at work.   Meats of all types were being brought to the table.  Cookies and cakes and so many other sweets were aligned on the table.    Theyre was nothing left for the kids to do except for being good, and quiet.  

"Go get dressed."  Her mother said pointing up the stairs.  The clothes I want you to wear are on our beds.  Dont come down here until I tell you."  Now Elliana Potter was always a really calm lady who handled the role of being a wife well.  But now she was a nerve wreak, her hands twitching her foot tapping.  She was humming and her eyes were moving around alot.  

Following the women's instructions Hermione head up to her room, noticing the dark blue dress laying on the bed.  It was embittered with little flowers.    

After she was dressed and deep into a good book the voice of her mother rang through the halls.  Slowly putting her book down Hermione prepared herself for this.  She didn't do well with large crowds.  Hermione meets up with James and Sirius who were in a dark blue vests and white shirts with dark pants.  "You look ridiculous,"  Hermione said walking between the 2 of them.  

"We know."  They replied at the same time.   Walking into the dining room, every face in the room snapped to look at them.  From what she could see Hermione saw 2 redheads who had a baby and a toddler, identical red-headed twin men, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Kingsly.  

"Oh, who are these precious babies?"  The red-headed woman said trying to get a better look. 

Mrs.Potter stood from her seat walking over to them.  "This is my oldest son James."  She said putting her hand on his head.  "My adopted son Sirius.  And my daughter Hermione.  Come kids sit."  She said pushing them forward a bit.  Hermione took a seat next to a lady who was very pregnant.  

"Andromeda Tonks Love,"  She said noticing the way Hermione was looking at her.  

"Are you related to Sirius?"  

"Yep, my cousin he is."  

"What are you doing here?  Won't his mum get mad?"   

Andromeda gave a little chuckle.  "They were mad when I married a muggle-born, I don't think they care what I do anymore."   

"Oh, sorry,"  Hermione said feeling guilty she even brought it up.  To be separated from your family to the point of them not caring really scared the young girl.  

"No worries dear child."   She said giving her a smile fit for a Black.  Hermione looked down at her empty plate, noticing everyone else was eating.  She took this moment of silence between her and Mrs. Tonks, to pile her plate up.  "Hows school?"  Mrs.Tonks asked.  

"Its going really good so far.  History of magics really boring."   Hermione said looking down at her plate.

"Yeah, Binns is like that."

"You had Binns?"  Hermione said looking up at her.  

"Im offended!"  She joked.  "How old do you think I am?"  

"Um 30, or almost 40 like mum?"  Hermione said taking a bite out of her chicken.  

Adramida looked token back.  "Im 19."  She whispered.  She let out a small giggle when Hermione's eyes widened.  "It's ok Hermione, truly.  I do look old with all the stress I've experienced."  

"You don't look old I just assumed because your friends with mum and dad."  Hermione sai rather quickly rubbing the back of her neck.  

"It's alright.  It's alright."  

"Um is it a boy or a girl?"  Hermione said wanting to change the topic.     

"Girl.  We're naming her Nymphadora."  She said rubbing her belly, smiling fondly at it.  

"Beautiful name.  Congratulations."  

"Kids bed now."  Her father cut in before Adramida could respond.  

"Oh why!"  James wined.  Sirius just stood, walking over to Mrs. Potter giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on James."  He said motioning for him to follow.  Reluctantly James followed.  

"Bye Andy,"  Hermione said hopping out of her seat.  

"Keep those boys in line please."  Her father called after her.   

About an hour after dinner was ended James came into her room.  "Pss sister fallow me."  He said motioning for her to be quiet.  James lead her to the Liberary where Sirius was bent over the air vent.  "Just listen,"  James said bending down with Sirus.  Reluctantly Hermione joined the eavesdropping.  

"He's gaining supporters at a rapid pace."  Came the voice of Dumbledore.  "He's targeting Hogwarts students.  Children are forced to join because of their parents." 

"The kids aren't dumb Albus they know what they are joining."  Came the gruff voice of a man.

"Alastor you cant blame those children!"  McGonagall said.

"Minerva is right Alstor if they grow up with the pureblood supremacy being drilled into their heads of course they're going to become one  themselves."   Came the voice of the redhead lady.  

"Sirius and Andromeda Black aren't like that." Some man said.  

"To be fair Gideon I used to call Muggleborns Mudbloods and believe Muggles are evil,"   Andromeda said.  "And Sirius only turned out the way he did because of uncle Apherd."  

"Doesn't matter.  The point is his support is growing.  We need to do something and quickly."  Her father said.  "Alus and ideas?"  

"We shouldn't be listening to this!  What if we get caught?"  Hermione whispered.  

"Chill Hermi.  They won't know."   James said going back to listening to the adults.  

"We need to grow our ranks."  Came the voice of Dumbledore.  "We can't take him on with only 7 people."  The sound cut off.  They knew the kids were listening.  Hermione ran back to her room before James and Sirius could get them in any more trouble.   

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now