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June, 23,

'Today is the day James comes home.  Im not going with mom and dad because my growing pains are really bad.   Mama said it's natural but it hurts a lot.  I've been so bored since James left.  Honestly, it should be outlawed for someone to be this bored.' 

Hermione wrote boredly in her Diary not wanting to make it sound good like she usually does.    For the next hour or so Hermione read her book she got from a muggle store.   It was called pride and prejudice, written way back in the 1800s.  

Hearing the loud thumps of James' feet coming closer to her door Hermione put her book down.  

Her door burst open before she could even realize what was happening James jumped her squeezing her tightly.   "JAMES!"  She shrieked, "Hermione my beloved sister!"  He said smacking a big kiss on her forehead.  "James mate, let her breath."  The familiar voice of Sirius range through the room.  James stepped back looking at his sister. "What happened?"  He asked looking her up and down.  "You're the same height as me."  He said.  It's true Hermione had quite the growth spurt over the 4 months since he's been gone.    "Oh, I didn't notice."  Hermione lied.  She was quite proud of the fact that she was now 5'1 at 10.    "Damn Kitten almost as tall as me,"  Sirius said puffing out his chest, he was only about an inch taller.  

"Im hungry,"  James announced grabbing his sisters hand, pulling her to the door.  

August 1st:  

"Hermione, James' friends, Remus and Peter are set to arrive by noon."  Her mother said taking a sip of her tea.  "Why are we going school shopping so early?"  "Because the lupins asked us to take Remus shopping and he has to be home by the 6th."  "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY."  Hermione sighed she headed to go school shopping last year for James it was so boring.  "Hermione that's  not ladylike."  Her mother scolded.  "UHHHHHH."  "Hermione."   Came the voice of her father.

"Yes?"   "Come with me."  "Alright."  She stood and smoothed out her skirt, turning she meets the stern hazel eyes of her father.   "Papa?  Did I do something wrong?" She said in a quiet voice.    "No no of course not."  His eyes softening.  She walked to her father.  Putting her hand in his.  He gently led her to the living room.  But before they entered he stopped her in the hall.  "Papa?"  He leaned down to her ear.  "The boy Remus was attacked when he was little."  "ok?"  "Dont stare please and don't ask questions."   "Ok."  Her father carried on into the living room, where Sirius and James were on the couch along with a really short kid who was fat and a boy with scratches on his face.

"Um hello,"  Hermione whispered looking at the two of them.  "Hey."  The boy who she thought was Remus said ducking his head.  "Hi."  Squeaked the other one.    "Remus, Peter, this is my sister Hermione,"  James said walking over to her.  "Yeah, she's my girlfriend so hands-off." "Shut up Sirius."  James said.  This caused all the boys to laugh.   

"Plus if my sister was to marry any of you it would be Remus he's just like her,"  James added winking at the now red-faced boy.  "Oh, righty kids ready to go?"   Mr.Potter said walking over.  "Where are we going, dad?"  James asked.   "First muggle London to get some muggle clothes than to Diagon alley."  "Alright."

The group Apparated to London making sure to steer clear of any muggles.  "Where we going, dad?"  James asked trying to keep up.  "First to go clothes shopping for something called a bra for Hermione."  He said cooly James stopped in his tracks.  'How much has she grown over a few months?'  He asked himself.  At school he heard some 5th-year Hufflepuffs talking about wich ones will make their boobs bigger.  But if you asked James- neither girl had enough boob to look bigger.  

Remus and Peter were blushing like madmen and Siris was just trying to stifle a laugh.  Hermione?  Her face was crazed she looked horrified.  "What even is a bra Hermione?"  Mom she knew still wore old-fashioned corsets to give her dresses the perfect shape.  "Um, I don't know."  She lied.  She didn't even need one yet.  'I know mom did this just to embarrass me!'  Hermione thought with a huff.  

"Um Mr. Potter, its something girls were over they're boobs."  Sirius Blurted out thinking this was the funniest thing in the world.  "Oh.   You don't need that right?"  Her father said turning to her.  "Nope let's not get any!"  Hermione said hoping this was the end of this.  And she was right.

The group walked over to an ambaneded alleyway and side along apparated to Diagon Alley.  

"Lets get Hermione her wand first then books."  Moans from James and Sirius.  "Then robes.  Then everything else then we leave."   "Misson one wand,"  James said putting his fingers to his ear scanning the alley.  His eyes landing on Oliveanders.  "Suspect spotted."  He said before marching off.  "We should not have let him watch muggle shows."  Hermione wisperd to her dad.  "No we shouldn't have."  He agreed chuckling.   

"Ahh, Mr. Potter.  10 inches, unicorn heartstring Holly wood."  The old man said when her father stepped into the building.  "Yes yes."  "Are you here for the little Potter? "  "Yes, her names is Hermione,"  Charles said looking like a proud father.   "Well, lets see then."  He said pulling out a box.   "Blackthorn, Unicorn hair, 12 inches."  Nope.  

After what seemed like hundreds of wands and many broken artifacts Hermione found her wand.  Cheery wood.  Dragon heartstring.  10 inches.  Perfect.   The wand choice made Charles Potter raise a brow everyone knew that combo was a dangerous one.   

The rest of the school shopping was very uneventful, much to the distaste of James who wanted something interesting to happen.

September 1st

Remus had left on the 28th, Hermione quite liked him.   A very quiet boy he was, and she admired that.  Smart too how he's friends with James she will never know.

Hermione woke at 10 am just enough time to get ready and leave.  Or so she thought since she spent 30 minutes trying to get Sirius and James out of bed.

When the group of 5 (Mrs. and Mr. Potter, James, Hermione, and Sirius)  arrived at the train it was already time to go.   So there was no time to fool around with long goodbyes.  Wich saddened her mother.  

"Come, Hermione,"  James said grabbing her hand.   Sirius and James were leading her through the people.   "Watch out!"  Women shrieked at the 3 kids.  She had dark hair and very pale skin.  "Mother,"  Sirius said hurrying away from her.   

After navigating they're way through so many people they finally arrived at the train.  They chose the spot Remus and Peter where saving for them.  

"Hello, Remus,"  Hermione said sitting next to him.  "Hi Hermione,"  Remus said ducking his head to hide a blush when she rested her head on his shoulder.  "Wacha reading?"  She asked.  "Hogwarts a history."  He replied. 

 "I love that book she whispered, removing her head, from his shoulder. Remus looked up to met her eyes.  They sat there for a moment looking into the eyes of each other before Remus whipped his head away his face and neck red.  

"Dont get any ideas Lupin,"  James warned, with a small smile.  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now