Its the little things

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     Please Pray for Ukraine and for the Russian people they are all innocent in this!

Hermione made her way back to Ravenclaw Tower.  Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.  She stifled her last whimper by the time she made it to the dark blue door, which had a bronze eagle door knocker.   "The more of me you have, the longer your life."  The door said in a raspy voice. " The more you have of me the less you have to live.  What am I?"  

     "Time,"  Hermione said her voice weak, her throat was sore.   She walked her way up to the 6th years dorms, ignoring everyone who tried to talk to her.  Amilia was in her room gossiping to the girl on her left, Hermione never really bothered to learn her name why would she?  Though she did think her name was something like Violet Brown, maybe Lavender?  Something to do with the color purple.  

     It truly doesn't matter, neither girl paid her any mind as she threw herself into her dark blue bed.  The young woman pulled out her quill and ink and some parchment, she didn't want to wait any longer to write him.  She was afraid.  She was a whole world of emotions at the moment.  

'My dearest Father,

      Why didn't you tell me?  Why didn't you tell me you are ill?  Please don't lie to me in your letter, and yes you will be writing me back before this day next week or else I will go home.  Speaking of home, I could have stayed and taken care of you if you wanted.  I would be honored to take care of my dear father.   

     I am so sorry for not noticing before.  How could I be so stupid?  You looked too weak the last time I saw you!  I should have known something was wrong because I was so self-absorbed.  Please forgive me.   If you want an update on James and me, you must write me back and tell me what's wrong with you.  

-Your loving and caring daughter Hermione Jean Potter.'

      Hermione sent the letter off to Potter Manor using Amilias near-death owl, Rupert.  Rupert was a barn owl that her brother used in Hogwarts.  Way too old to use in Hermione's opinion but hey it's not her owl.  

       Now the girl laid back in her bed thinking to herself, how was she supposed to inform James to talk to their dad, without waring him?  James and Charles Potter were never particularly close like Hermione were to her father, but still, it would wound James deeply to have to deal with the thought of their father dieing.  But then again Hermione was younger, and if she had to deal with these thoughts why couldn't her brother?  

     No, Hermione couldn't do that to James, that would be cruel.  Maybe she could break the news to Remus and he tells James?  Clearly, that would hurt him more, she knew she had to do it.  She didn't want to though.   Hermione's thoughts wandered away in fizzy off mixed thoughts.  She couldn't think straight he was worried. 

     Sometime during the early night, she fell asleep, dreaming of nothing.  She woke with a headache, the brightness of the sun shining through the window, blinding her as he opened her eyes.  No one else was in the dorm, they must have been at breakfast, today was Saturday no school, so she didn't have to worry about being late to class which was good.  

     Hermione dressed in bell-bottom jeans and a yellow jumper to protect her from the October air.  She only ran her hairbrush through her hair, which was frizzy from not using any potions, but she could care less at this time.  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now