Remus Lupin

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I should probably mention that both Remus and Hermione are 13.  Hermione starting late because of her birthday being in September.  2nd and 3rd years.  James and Hermione are close in age.  Only 10 months apart his birthday being in November and hers in September the following year.    

November 29th

Hermione sat on her bed her mind wondering to Remus.  His amber brown eyes and the way they brightnend when he laughed.  Oh that laugh that made her inside warm with happiness.  His scares that showed just how strong he was going through that awful transition every month.  In her eyes her Lupin was perfect.  

The young girl was brought back to reality relizeing what she was doing.  It was only a childhood crush nothing would come of it.  Plus he saw her as a sister, and James would murder him.  She needed to have more control, crushes are stupid things after all.  They cause young girls to cry when the boy she fancied went out with someone else.  They cause young men anger when another boy flirted with the girl he liked.  They where the rute of all evil.  But what if they weren't she didn't get mad when Remus talked to Lily.  Or Alice.  Or Mary or any of the girls.  So maybe it wasn't a crush maybe just an infatuation.  

She went to sleep with thoughts of golden eyes flooding her dreams. 

November 30th (Full moon):  

Remus looked awful.  He was hunched over and pale.  She heard him throw up a few times during the day.    "Oh Remus,"  She said softly running her fingers through his hair.  "Is they're anything I can do?"  She asked looking down at the boy in her lap.

"Im afraid not Hemione."  He wisperd.

"I can get you pain potions if you'd like.  I can sneak into-"   He cut her off with a light chuckle.   "Why are you laughing?   I'm worried about you!"  

"Pain potions do nothing love, in fact they make Monny mad."  He said wincing as he sat up.  

"Oh, then maybe something else then?"  

"Just get me lots of chocolate for when Im back to being Remus.  Its the only thing that helps."  He said resting his head on her shoulder.  

"If you don't mind can you tell me how you where bitten?"  Hermione said scanning the Gryffindor common room. 

"I guess."  He said letting out a loud breath.  "Basically my father worked in the care of magical creatures branch at the ministry.  And this man names Greyback was brought in under suspicion of attacking Muggle children."  With this hermione gasped.  Everyone knew how hard it was for wizards to under go the transition but Muggles?  It had to be 100 times worse.  "Long story short my dad insulted Greyback calling him a freak and a monster.  And well to get revenge he went after me."

"How old where you?"  She asked. 

"I was 5."  

"Why you?! He could have gone after your father!"  Hemione caught her mistake.  "I mean you know not that I want your dad to be attacked."    She said quickly causing Remus to chuckle. 

"Hermione which would hurt a father more?  Being attacked or they're children being harmed?"  

"Oh yea."  She said sheepishly.  "I have to go its almost curfew and you must be going as well to the shack."  She said standing, and giving him a peck on the cheek.  "Good luck."  She said before walking out.

'Dear mother,

I need lots of chocolate and quickly.

-Your loving daughter Hermione.'

December 1st,

Hermione woke early to a bag full of different chocolate candies being dropped on her face by her owl, Artemis.  Slowly she got ready for the day and made her way quickly to the infirmary.  Spotting Remus laying in bed awake reading a book.

"Hello Remmy." She said walking over with the candy.  He looked up at her giving her a good view at the new bandages that where on his face.   "How was it?"  She asked sitting at the end of his bed.  

"It was better than usal.  Moony wasn't to ruff."  He said.

"Why do you call him Moony?"  She asked looking at him with a raised brow.

"James."  Was all he said.

"Oh course.  So want some candy?"  She asked holding out the bag.

"Oh you know I do."  

December 10th

Anyone could see that Hermione a Remus where getting closer than before.  He was now known as Hermione's friend by most of the school rather than James.  

"Oi whatcha think your doing?"  James asked one day in the hall.  Causing Hermione to jump out of her skin.

"What do you mean?"  She asked.  She truly had no clue what she did wrong know.  

"Stealing my friend!"  

"I'm not stealing your friend James."  She said looking at him like he was on drugs.  

"Yes you are!  Your always with him in the library in each others common rooms!  Even at meals!  Your always cuddled up to him-"  He stopped eyes widing.  "Are you dating Remus?"  He asked his voice shallow.  

"What?  No!"  She said panic filling her.  She wasn't dating Remus duh but still.  

"Stay away from him.  Please?"  He asked before turning away.  

No she wasnt going to stay away from him who did James think he was?  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now