Mathew Hewwit

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      "James stop."  Hermione groaned as her brother leaned in to poke her once more.  "Potter, I swear if you do that again I will hex you."  

     "Herm, how was your summer?"  Remus asked peeking over the top of his book.   

       "It was good, thanks.  How was yours."  Hermione said gloomily looking out the window at the soaked trees.  

      "I had a great time.  My father took us out Skying, I smacked my face on the hill and it broke, so that part wasn't fun.  But for the most part, it was amazing."  Remus said, excitement seemingly bursting from him.   "But of course, it would have been better if you all were there." 

        "Sounds like you had fun.  Well Petunia,"  Lily said her eyes meeting James.  A light blush covered her face from the accidental contact.  "My sister.  Got married to a Muggle man of course, he's a,"  She deeply sighed trying to pick the right wording here.  "He's a right bastard y'know.  Bashed me.  Bashes my mum and dad behind their backs, he never would have been allowed to marry her if he did it in front of them.  Fat Man, he looks ready to croak at any moment, he's only 21 and looks like he's about to have a stroke or something."

     "That was mean of me,"  Lily said giggling behind her hand.  "Sorry." 

       "Does he know?"  James asked. "That you're a witch." 

        "Um, I don't think so.  It was never brought up."  

      "I slept all summer."  Sirius chimed in, his voice muffled by the chocolate toad stuffed in his mouth.  "I got Ravenclaw."  He said holding up the card, a dark-haired witch with a haunted look on her face was standing there.  

       "My mum and dad fought a lot this summer,"  Peter said the same stupid smile he always bore.  "I think they might divorce."    He said looking up to see the dumbfounded faces of all his friends.  

    "Mate."  Sirius said patting the cubby boy's shoulder, "Maybe you shouldn't share that."   

    "Sorry, Pete,"  James said giving the boy a stupid smile.  

       "So Lily, Do you know who the new head girl is?"  Hermione asked mindlessly changing the subject.   Lily's face lit up, her smile growing 3 times in size.

       "Oh, Mione!!"  She said in a very high-pitched voice.  "I'm so sorry for forgetting to tell you."   Hermione nodded in a way to tell her to continue.  "Im head girl!! Found out in mid-August."  


         "Well, Im head boy,"  James said Rummaging his robe pocket.  "Didn't want to tell anyone cuz I didn't want to ruin the surprise."   

        "Your not."  Hermione protested looking from Remus to James,  Remus was very hopeful that he would become head boy, anyway, James wasn't even a Prefect.  "Your not a prefect."   

         "I know but I got head boy I really don't know how either,"   James said holding out the red badge.  "Look Im sorry Remus I know how much you wanted this mate.  I mean look I don't make the rules."   James said giving the feveruse looking boy an apologetic smile.  Remus must still be recovering from the full moon, Hermione thought.  His skin was pale and he looked to be in pain.  

        "I get it James, plus you deserve it.  I mean you have grown up so much this last year."  Remus said acting as if he wasn't a little hurt.  "I mean it's almost like your, not the same person I was friends with in 1st year."  He said almost in disgust.    

        "Well of course he isn't Lupin, he was 11.  He's almost an adult now."  Lily spat out her face was an angry red.

        "Geez Evens what's got your knickers in a twist?"  Sirius asked barking out a laugh.  Hermione shared a knowing look with the shaggy-haired wizard.   

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now