The dream

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     "Hermione!"  Lily said combing her fingers through her hair and her face flushed.  "You told Alice but not me that you were dating Regulus?! Why? Hm? I had to find out from Frank!"  

     "Lils,"  Hermione said laughing laying back on her bed.  "First off, it only happened like four hours ago!  And second how the hell did you get in here?"  

     "Never mind that,"  Lily said bouncing herself down at the end of the blue bed.  "Go on tell me everything.  And I'll tell you about James and me."  This seemed to have parked the 17-year-old up as she shot right up from her bed.  

      "Tell me."  She said her deep blue eyes wild, "Right now."  Lily shook her head a smirk pulling at her lips, "Tell me! Please!  Oh, come on Lils!"  

     "Not until you tell me about you and Regulus."   

     "Fine.  But you must tell me about you and Jamesie."  


     "Ok well, we were in the library, well me and Alice."  Hermione said shifting on her bed, "And then Regulus came in and Alice left.  We kissed and he asked me out."

      "That's a bit boring,"  Lily said rolling her eyes.

     "Oh like yours is any better,"  Hermione said giving a smile that Lily could only describe as a James potter look. "Unless you and James did the four-legged fox trout by the black lake you have no right saying my love life started off boring."

     "Oh shut up.  For your info, I and James almost kissed but Sirius and Marlene ruined that."  

     "Hey.  That's a pretty good start, Lil,"  Hermione said smiling a large toothy smile. a gleam of mistitle in her eye.  "I know James needed a cold shower after that."   

      "Shush,"  Lily said rolling her beautiful green eyes.  "I don't know Mione that boy just makes my mind go blank.  I don't know what to say, what to do with myself.  Its fucking strange."  

     Hermione giggled, her blue eyes shining, "You silly girl, you're in love." 

     Lily's pale face flushed bright red, "Oh shush.  Im, not it's a silly little crush."  

     "Ok, I'll give you the benefit of the dought and say that it is just a crush.  But if it isn't and it turns into the two of you dating I just want you to know I give you my permission to date my brother- something only a few people will ever get."  Hermione said pulling at the lose string of her top.  "That blond Bimbo Mallory Stiro from Huffelfuff can contest to that.  Had the nerve to call me a gaping whore than ask me to help her get a date with James not even a month later."  Lily's face lit up with a beautiful smile as the sound of laughter left her mouth.   "My mum would love you. You're alot like her y'know." 

      "How so?"

     "Well, your both brilliant."  Lily's face darkened once more. "Brains were always something my mother admired.  You're both beautiful.  Oh, stop Lily you know you're the prettiest girl in this building.  You both love a Potter.  Both are VERY fierce.   And tender-hearted."  

     "Thank you, Mione."  

     "Now tell me how the hell you got in here?"

      "I was almost put into Ravenclaw, Im not dumb I can solve a stupid little riddle."



     Sleep didn't come easy that night for Hermione.  His dreams were filled with darkness.  

     First, she was in a cave, a man in a black hood with her.  There was something to her right but she couldn't make it out.  the man said something that sounded like mumbles, then her lungs burned.  She was gasping for breath.  Hard coughs that left her throat burning for water...water there it was in an infinite amount.  lots of it.  She craved it.  The feeling of the cold liquid passing her pale lips the feeling of her belly feeling full.  Then a pale hand grabbed her.  It was thin and bony, the man that was with her laughed and her as she let out a shrill scream.  The hand was joined by many more.  They pulled her.  The cold water engulfed her as her lungs filled with hot pressure, every breath she attempted to take seemed to lead her farther and farther down the endless dark hole.  

     Then when her vision was almost completely gone, a bright light that she thought surely meant death filled the water with the glow of the fire.  Suddenly she was warm, and in the arms of her savor.  The man looked thin and pale but there was no mistaking this man was her beloved Regulus.  His old house else Kreacher nearby clutching something.  The cloaked man was dead in the corner a boy who looked no older than her standing next to him, the wand is drawn patting him before collapsing himself.  "Come on Hermione,"  Regulus said before she awoke.

     Her face was flushed and swetty.  "What the fuck."  She said to herself as she looked to the clock on her bedside table.  '5:03' The red flashing numbers read.  "Shit."  She mumbled to herself before falling back to bed.  Again she didn't have a nice sleep this time though it was because of racing thoughts.  

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