Christmas 1972

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"Happy Christmas Reggie."  Hermione said slipping a small box into his hands.  "Happy Christmas Hermi."  He replied, "I don't have anything for you Hermi."  He said rubbing the back of his neck.  "Its fine Reggie you don't have to get me anything."  

Hermione and Regulus where sitting on the train on the way home.   "Whats your family doing?"  Hermione asked biting into her choclet frog.  "The same thing we do every year I guess.  We have dance, this year its held at the Lestrange home.  My Cousin Bella is marrying the older one this summer."  "Oh."  "Yea."  

"What about you?"  

"Um well we never stick by any set traditions, though James always sleeps in.  Wich means I have to wait longer to open presents.  Oh and food.  Foods really good."     "Can I open this?"  Regulus asked holding up the gift.

"Yea, sorry its not much,"  Hermione said running her hands through her hair.  Slowly Regulus opened the box to reveal just a simple gold band, with R.A.B engraved into it.  "Hermione its wonderful."  He said looking at her face a light pink tint on her ears.   He sliped the ring on his thumb smiling brightly at it.  

The next few hours consisted of talking about anything and everything.  Somewhere during they're talk they had fallen asleep because they were woken by a eritated James and Sirius.  "Come on mothers worried sick!"  James said yanking his sister out of the compartment.  

"James my stuff."  "We already have it."  "Oh."  The Potter siblings walked in a uncomfable silence, both being grateful for they're mother.  "Oh my baby!"  She said grabbing Hermiones face.  "Why haven't you wrote me?"   She asked frantically.  "I forgot."   Was all Hermione said looking down at the ground.  

"My little Ravenclaw forgetting?   Mabey I need to get you a remberball for Christmas?"  Her mother asked jokingly.  Noticing the young girls blantent lie.  "Make any friends Hermione?"  She asked.  "Yea I guess Padama and Amilia are amazing."  Hermione said with a small smile.  

"Any boyfriends?"  James eyes snaped too the two.  His eyes showing Furey.  He didn't want his sister to ever date.   It made him so mad to see her with any boy.  Yes Sirius and Remus included.  But Regulus?  James could only imagian what Walburga will do or suggest once she relzes her son was good friends with a pureblood girl.  

"No of course not."  Hermione said letting out a light giggle.  Her mind wondering to a serten sandy haired wizerd.  Mrs. Potter slipped her hands into both her children's, apperating them to Potter manor.  "Is daddy here?"  Hermione said overly exited. "Yes in his study."  Her mother said a light smile on her features.  She knew just how much of a daddys girl her baby was.   Regardless of her age.  

"Daddy!"  Hermione yelled wrapping her arms around the tall man.  "Hows my girl been?"  He asked smiling down at her.   "Good."  She said glancing down at the ground.  "Whats wrong?"  "Nothing."  "Yes there is."  "Tell James to take to me please."  

"Why isn't James talking to you?"  He asked raising a brow.  In James letters he said he hangs out with Hermione every weekend.   

"I don't know he hasn't talked to me since the train!  Not even Sirius!  Remus and Lily don't know why either."  She said plopping herself into her fathers chair.  

"Well I'll see what I can do."  

December 25th

'Happy Christmas Hermione!   I know its not much but I hope you'll like it.  Severus said you wouldn't like it because your a pure blood.  But I know you will.


Along with the letter was a book called 'Grimms complete fairy tales.'  

"Happy Christmas Lils!  

I love it honestly it looks like a good read! 


Hermione sent a necklace that had a simple silver lily flower charm.  

'Happy Christmas Hermi.


She felt bad not sending anything in return so she drew him a picture of him.  

Inside a little green box was a bracelet with an H and R charm on it.  Hermione had the biggest smile one could muster on her face.  Slipping it on she felt overpowering happiness.

'I hope you're having a great break, Hermione!  I can't believe it's been this long already!  I cant wait to see you! 


Pandora sent her a book about magical animals.  In the front page it read "NARGLES!  Fact or fiction?"  Hermione sent her back a potions kit she had picked out early in the break.  

'I told you to write me, Hermione Jean Potter!  Happy Christma.

-Amilia Bones.'

Amilia sent her some candy and kitten treats.  Hermione knew just how much Amilia loved beauty products so she sent her some makeup and hair products and a bottle of lavender perfume.  

Getting dressed in a simple red dress and some play shoes, Hermione made her way downstairs to see Sirius and James eating cookies.  "Finally!"  James said throwing his hands up.  Getting up to sit next to the tree.  Sirius is following close behind.    And the two boys started to ripped up wrapping paper.  

Sitting next to Sirius Hermione grabbed a gift from some unknown person.  Opening it they're was a necklace with the black family crest on it.  Hermione slipped it in her pocket, knowing that if James or Sirius saw it shed be dead.  

The rest of the day went by amazingly and fast.  Hermione wore the necklace she had gotten from someone, she still had no clue who got it for her.  And she slipped into bed haveing the best dream of a wedding between her and some unknown man.  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now