Severus and Regulus and James

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Severus Snape eyed the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw duo.  Noticing the way their faces flushed when they brushed their hands.  Horrid.  He noticed she always kissed his cheek or forehead.  How she always laughed at his jokes.  And how he fumbled when she got too close.  But he also noticed the way his own friend glared daggers at them.  Mumbling inaudible words under his breath and leaving the room when they entered.   He found Regulus's reactions amusing.

"Severus,"  The boy said to him, the day before he left for Christmas break.  "Watch Lupin and Hermione for me.  Will ya?"  He asked looking down in embarrassment at such a stupid request.  

"Whatever for Black?"  Severus said eyeing him.

"Just do it.  And write to me if they do anything unusual."  The boy sneered before walking out of the command room.  

And so he did.  

On Christmas, Snape was sat in the great hall picking at his roast when he looked up to the sound of Potters' voice.  He watched as they froze unable to move.  He knew there was a mistletoe they're because he's been trying to avoid that area at all cost.  He watched as Lupin fumbled before placing a small kiss on her lips.  And how she scurried off to the Ravenclaw table leaving a flushed lupin.  

When Severus arrived back to the 3rd year boys dorm, he got to writing. 


Girl Potter and Lupin were stuck under a mistletoe.  Yes, they did kiss.  I guess they were too dumb to realize it leaves a few minutes after arriving. 



Thank you for the update.


Severus notices the ink blots on the paper, which told him everything he needed to know about the emotions this news left his little friend with.  


Regulus was in a state of furry reading Severus's letter.  How could she do that to him?   Still, he wrote a reply.  

And while he was at it he wrote a letter to James.  

'Dear James Potter, 

I wish to inform you that your friend Remus Lupin was caught kissing your sister Hermione.  

- Anonymous.

He took his time with this one making sure the writing looked as girly as he could.   He fell asleep that night angry.  He regretted that in the morning when he didn't feel well-rested.  


It was an understatement to say James Potter was pissed.  He told Hermione to stay away from Remus.  He told Remus to keep his hands to himself.  And neither of them listened.  Why would they lisen?  It was the only thing he wanted from them.  

He didn't want his sister to date, anyone.  Yes, he was ok with her and Remus.  Only if Remus got his permission.  That was his sister. 

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now