Cissy and Bella

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Cissy and I will be expecting you to be here by noon.  Floo to Lestrange Manor.  Bring money I'm not paying for you, and I suspect Cissy won't either.

-Bellatrix Lestrange.'


Ignore what Bella said, you don't have to bring money.  I'd be happy to pay for you.  But yes arrive here soon, it's felt like forever.

-Narcissa Malfoy.'

     "Ahh Hermione, how nice to see you,"   Bellatrix said holding a pouch.  

     "It's great to see you too Bella it's been too long."  

     "Come have a spot of tea before we leave,"   Narcissa said leading the way into a large cool room.  "I understand the thirst after flooing."  

     The three women sat in a large almost empty room, uncomfortably so.  "Dobby!"  A young house elf who looked no older than 10 popped into the room.  "Yes, Mistress Malfoy."  He squeaked large green eyes watering.  

     "Dobby, Miss. Potter has joined Bella and me for a shopping trip.  Before that, I request that you and the others prepare us a pot of tea and some biscuits.  Hermione, do you smoke?"  

     "Um no."

     "Alright, then Dobby bring me two cigars.  You may go."

     "Cissy is very kind to that elf.  Strangely so if you ask me."  Bellatrix remarked, low enough that only Hermione could hear.    


     "Reminds me of your little boyfriend."  Hermione felt her face warm.  "He's always been good to his elf Kreacher."  

     "Shocking."  Hermione agreed, it was shocking most people treated their elves like they were second-class people.  Well, technology Elfs where they had no rights in the wizarding world.  

     The elf popped back, startling the youngest.  In his hands was a tray of cups and plates.  A white tea kettle is in the center of it all.  "Thank you Dobby, please put that on the table,"  Narcissa said taking a seat in front of her two dark-haired companions.  

     "So you and Regulus then?"  Bella asked raising her right eyebrow.

     "Uh, yea."  Hermione chuckled.  "Funny isn't it."

     "No, not really, I've known since day one,"  Cissy said smiling, sipping her tea.  "You could tell the moment you two walked into a room, pure love."  

     Bella let out an unladylike snort.  "Ah, true love.  Bunch of dragon dung.  I'm just glad Regulus is making the family proud and marrying a beautiful pureblood girl."  

     "Um who said anything about marriage,"  Hermione said letting out a nervous laugh.  "We're 17 marriage isn't in the options right now."  

     "Hmm right now?"  Bella said smirking, Naricissa raised a blond eyebrow and smiled.  "Interesting."  

     "Oh stop, you know what I mean."  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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