Pretty like a betta fish

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     "Alice, has James been talking about me?"  Hermione asked running her hands through Alice's thick blond hair.   "We got in a fight last week and he hasn't even looked my way since."

     "No, he's just been skulking around, hanging out with Lily,"   Alice said leaning up to look out the window.  "I guess that's why maybe.  If you don't mind can you tell me what this fight was about?"  


      "Of course, honestly Hermie.  You are 18 freaking years old, you can take care of yourself just fine.  He should know that."  

     "He treats me like Im 11 still.  Hell, he wasn't even that overprotective then."  

     "That must suck.  I wouldn't know I have no brothers or sisters."  Alice said flashing her a charming smile.  "So have you heard?"  

       "Heard what?"   

       "Remus and Delucas meadows.  you remember her right?"  Hermione nodded it had been so long since they talked.  "Well, they are dating, happened last night!  Oh, we didn't see it coming either!"  Alice said noticing Hermione's confused face.  "We all thought Sirius was going to bag her y'know they get along so well, but he has Marlene, also Mary is crushing hard on Petegrew but he doesn't even realize it."  

      "Poor Pete honestly he's so painfully dumb."  

     "Don't say that Herms.   I mean you're not wrong but still, it's mean."  

      "Well, I didn't mean it like that Alice.  I mean shit the man couldn't even fight his way out of a paper bag.  It's sad honestly."  

     "I don't really like him,"  Alice said her face dropping.  "He gives off bad vibes.  But when I bring it up with Lils she just shrugs it off and says I don't recall knowing him.  And Frank agrees and says he sees Peter sneaking off all the time.  But the other boys also just shrug it off says he's going to the kitchen to stuff his face."  

     "I don't trust him either but I pity him.  I don't think he likes me as well.  I mean we were never close.  But shit we literally don't even know e each other not really." 

      "He's strange.  Not in a good way either."  


     "Whats you talking about?"  The deep voice of Regulus Black said as he sat next to Hermione.   "Pettigrew is it?  Yea strange thing that boy is."

      "Hey,"  Hermione said flushing red when Regulus threw his arm around her waist.

     "Hello love."  He said laying his head on her shoulder.  "Hello, Alice isn't it?"   

      "Yes and you must be Regulus,"  Alice said not meeting his eyes.  

      "You already know that babes,"   Hermione said laughing.  

       "I know."  Alice said chuckling, "I'm just flustered around new people."   

     "No problem," Regulus said winking at her.  Your Longbottoms bird?"  

     "Yes."  Alice said giggling.  "your alot like your brother.  Sorry if that upsets you." 

     "It's fine honestly, he gets more offended by it than I do.  He doesn't like me."  

      "Oh.  Well, I was about to get going, I'll see you at dinner?"  Alice asked getting up and rushing off her brown ankle-length skirt.  "Nice meeting you Regulus."  

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