Mr and Mrs. Black

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I'm sorry this sucks lmao, I have no idea what I'm doing anymore lol.  Im getting bored and Im stressed out lmao.

         Hermione and Regulus made their way down the staircase, at the end of the stairs were Kreacher.  The elf said nothing, but wagged his boney finger at them, motioning for them to follow him.  The elf lead the teenagers down a long a small and dark hallway.  The walls were lined with portraits of Black family members, few of which Hermione knew.  There was Phineas black the same disapproving look graced his face, as it did in his Hogwarts Porte.  Arcturus Black, the man that Regulus was named after.  Cassiopeia Black, her mother spoke about this witch.   She was a strict woman, like most of the Black family women.   Elianna Potter said that her aunt Cassiopeia would smack her across the knuckles with a ruler if she would disobey the rules.  

       The woman was still alive living somewhere in Germany, she was a strong supporter of the slaughtering of muggles, half-bloods, and muggle-borns.  Hermione had a deep hatred of the women regardless of never meeting her.   

        "Whos all her?"  Hermione wisperd to Regulus as they neared closer to the room at the end of the hall.   

        "I have no clue honestly." He said back, giving her an apologetic smile.   They heard the laughter of a man.   

        "The Mistress Black would like you to be seated next to her, Mistress Potter."   The Elf croaked stopping just at the door.  "Master Regulus is to be seated next to Master Black."  He opened the door traveling a brightly lit room, the talking and laughing stopped almost immediately as the pair of teenagers entered the room.  

       "Ahh, the children are here!"   Walburga's loud voice boomed through the room.   "Come take a seat."  She said giving them a large smile.  She was clearly a little tipsy.    "This is Hermione,"  Walburga said pulling out the seat next to her.   "She's the girl I've been telling you all about, a good freind of Regulus."  Hermione timidly walked over to the left of the older women, while Regulus went to the right of his father, slowly she lowered herself next to an older woman with graying hair, who smelled faintly of cigar smoke.  

       "Walburga dear, please sit down."  Orion Black wisperd to his wife, touching her arm gently.   Walburga plopped down on the chair very lady-like for someone who threw herself down.    

       "Mama," Walburga said, looking over Hermione to the frail lady.  "This is Hermione, shes Elliannas daughter."   'Fuck' Hermione thought she was sitting next to the women herself.   Cassiopeia Black.  

     "Bit fat don't you think."  The woman said her voice was crackly from years of smoking.   Walburga's tipsy smile dropped.  "Mama.  Please don't say that.   Hermione is a very beautiful young woman."    The Potter daughter felt her face heat up from embarrassment.      "Potter child ahh?"  The woman said eyeing the girl.  "Muggle huggers,"  Cassiopeia said her milky blue eyes meeting Hermione's dark blue ones.  "Blood traitors."   She slurred.  

       "Mum, please Hermione is very different.  She better."  Walburga tried to soothe over her mother, who looked like she was about to combust at any moment.   

      "E'llo Miss. Potter?"  A young man said, he was sitting next to her, he looked a lot different than the rest of the Black family, he even had a slight Australian accent that drew Hermione in.  "Agust Black."   He said offering her a charming smile, that is how she knew he was 100% a Black in every way. 

        "Hello, Agust."  She said trying to be as polite as possible.  The boy looked no older than herself, he had deep brown eyes and deep brown curly hair.   

         The boy must have noticed her checking him out because he said, "My mother is a Zabini that's why I look so different."  That honestly made a lot of sense the boy looked like  Even Zabini the only real noticeable difference was the face shape, Agust has a more feminine face than Even.  "My father's Reginald Black.   Died when I was a small child."  

      "My mother has a brother named Reginald, died not long before I was born."   Hermione said giving the boy a small smile.     "She was also a Black.  We could be cousins for all we know."  

      "Hmm, maybe.  You should ask her."  Agust said offering her a very bright smile.  Hermione didn't have it in her heart to inform him of her mother's passing.   "Ah, I think I might just ask her when I get home."    

      The conversation came to a very rough cut when a loud deep man's voice rang through the room.  A short chubby man with graying brown hair stood up with a goblet of wine held high into the air.  "A toast to Regulus and Hermione Black."  He said turning to the general direction of the teens.   

      Hermione and Regulus's minds raced with thoughts at that moment. ' What the hell did he mean.'  'Who even is he?'  'My last name is Potter.'  'Oh, Merlin tell me this is not what I think it is.' 

"Father, what is Uncle Emet talking about?"  Regulus asked in a hushed voice.  "What does he mean?"  

"Shh, nothing m'boy."   The older gentlemen hushed.   Regulus turned back to look down at his empty plate, his nerves were running high.  

"To Mr and Mrs. Black."  The crowd of people cheered holding up their own cup of wine.  You could almost hear Hermione and Regulus necks snap in the direction of Walburga Black.  

       "What the fuck is he talking about?"  Hermione hissed trying to keep up with the younger boy.     Regulus didn't stop speed walking.   "Regulus."   

      "I do not know."  The boy responded opening his bedroom door.  "But I do know that its about time for you to leave.  I know I will write you and you will write me.  I do not know what Emet was talking about.  He's delusional.  Hit with a stunning spell to the head when he was 10 never been right since.  Well, good bye love."  He said pushing her toward the door.  "Fireplace is in the living room."  And with that one last slam of the door.  The last time Hermione would see the boy's face for the rest of the summer.  


Im so sorry this sucks lol.  But um here ya go.  

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