It ment nothing, I was confused.

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    Hermione laid her head down on a pillow that was over Regulus's lap.   He ran his hand through her hair, smiling down at her.     Hermione had a small children's book propped up on her chest.   Everything was peaceful, the smell of the fire filling their noses, bringing a sense of eaze.  

     No one else was in the common room, it was silent, except for the sound of the teenager's breathing.   They were content with the silence, they were together and that's all that matters.

        "Where were you, Mione?"  Sirius asked as she sat down at the Gryffindor table by Lily.  

        "I have a life, y'know."  Hermione said giggling, she filled her plate with potatoes and meat.  

       "We've been looking for you.   We haven't talked in two days."   James said, handing her a roll.  

      "Well, if you need to know.  I was with Regulus."  She noticed the boys cringe.  She sighed rolling her eyes.  "I was with Regulus, in the Slytherin common room."  Again the boys cringed harder.  "Will y'all stop, he's respectable, you don't have to like him but don't do that.  She said shaking her head.

     "Well, we're just not used it that's all,"  Peter said softly, almost like a young child.

       "I've been friends with him for years...... so." 

      "He's just my little brother, and he's a suck-up to Wally,"  Sirius said, his mouth full of chewed food.

      "Dont talk with your mouth open Sirius."  Lily snapped at him, waking him on the side of the face.   

      "Yes, mummy."   James and Lily shot him a look of disgust.     Sirius looked at the faces of all of his friends, "What?"  He asked lifting his shoulders up to his ears.   

       "Just eat your food, you dog,"  Hermione said bitting into her roast.  James snickered, while Lily gave her a disapproving look.   

      The group of Gryffindors and Hermione walked up to the Red and gold command room.  "Sooooo,"  Sirius said grabbing Hermione's hand, "You single?"   He asked waggling his eyebrows.  


      "Wanna go to Hogsmead with me?"   He asked swinging their hands.  

       "Nah, sorry Sirius.   I'm not looking to date anyone, right now."   She said pulling her hand out of his.   "But I'm sure there are millions of girls lineing up to date you."     And there was, every girl in this school would go to great lengths to date him, even the Slythrine girls tried to shoot their shot, he, of course, annoyed them.   

       "Your not wrong, but Im looking to settle down, ya know.   I'm getting older you see that lives not for me any more love."   He said chuckling at the end.  

       Hermione rolled her eyes, "Hmm of course I forgot, 16 years old is so old, truly."    

        "Well?  Will you?"  He asked.

         "Nah, sorry I told you Im not looking to date."  

         "Are you sure?"   

        "Yes, I am 100% sure."  

       He scoft, "Well."  He said his voice sounded offended.  "Fine then."  He said walking faster in front of her.   Wow how to mature Mr.  Grown up.  

       "Man I miss Pandora,"   Amilia said pacing around the dorm.   "I mean her weirdness was comforting."   She said in her thick Irish accent.   

       "Oh!"  Hermione said hopping up from her bed.  "Did you know that shes getting married?"   

       "What!"  She shrieked.  "WHEN THE FUCK WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?!!??!!?!  AND WHY WASNT I INFORMED?!?!?"   

        "Well...."  Hermione drew one looking down at her lap.  "You were kinda distant the last year or so, so she might of assumed you didn't like her anymore.."    

       "That is nonsense!"   She said her voice very thick, almost like she was about to cry.  "I just, I don't really know, I'm confused.  That's all."    She said plopping herself at the edge of Hermione's bed.   

        "Confused about what?"   Hermione asked looking her dead in the eyes.    Amilia blushed a bright red.  "Amilia?   Are you sick?"  

       "N-no?"  She said like it was a question.  

        "So what are you confused about?  Maybe I could help?    

        "No.  No you can help, but I don't want you to help."    She said shaking her head.   

         "Oh well,"  Hermione said placing her hand on her oldest friend's leg.   "You can tell me anything.  I hope you know."    There was a blur, as Amilia smacked her lips onto Hermione's.   The kiss only lasted a moment, before Amilia burst into tears.   

       "W-w-w-wh-at."   Hermione said whipping her lips.  What the hell just happened.   "Amy?  Are you ok?   What was that?"  

       "I'm sorry!"   She said crying. "It meant nothing.  I'm so confused!"  She yelled rushing out of the room.  

         "What the fuck."  Hermione wisperd to herself.   

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now