James Potter my beloved brother

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      James Potter made his way to the library, he knew his little sister would be there.  He had already checked in with her looney friend Pandora, but she wasn't with her.  He found her in the farthest nook away from the Librarian- James had no clue what her name was.    Her knees were brought up, a large book resting on her knees.  Slowly he made his way over to her sliding down on the floor next to her, she turned to him.  

      "James."  She mumbled, the siblings had quarreled earlier that week over James pranks towards a Slythrine first year.  And they both need time to cool down.

     "Hermione."  He said quietly laying his head onto her shoulder, she looked at him lovingly.  Despite the fact that they fought nothing was going to put a wedge between these two.   It was them against the world.  "Why haven't you been going to any of the quidditch games?"  He mumbled.

      "Not my thing.   Plus you always get hurt, and it's bad enough for me to sit in the hospital wing with you, I don't need to see it happen."  She says simply turning the yellowing page of her book.  "And plus I can't cheer for my brother and my friend at the same time can I?"  She said.

     "Why are you even friends with the git, Hermione?"  He asked, clearly referring to the new Slytherin Seeker, Regulus Black.  "I mean he seems nice enough to you.  And he tolerates Remus bu-"

     She cut him off.  "He's a really nice boy James, you just don't see that because of the shit Sirius is feeding you."  

     "I mean how else am I support to get my information, on the boy whos clearly infatuated with my baby sister."  He said with a deep chuckle.   Hermione rolled her eyes, letting a small airy laugh escape her lips.  

      "He's not infatuated with me, Jamie."  She used the nickname she had given him when they were 4.  The word seemed natural despite her not using it in over a year.  "We're just friends."  

     "That's what they all say.  Now how is Remus treating ya?  Do I have to hex him?  I will do it."  He said his voice getting suddenly serious.  

      Hermione giggled at the overprotectiveness, "Remus is treating me just fine.  And I mean it I see Regulus as nothing more than a friend.   Now, how about you and Lily?  And luck?"  

     "Dont be dumb love, Lily is a hard nut to crack.  Of course, she still said no, but trust me I'll get her.  One day."  

     "I love you,"  Hermione said, closing her eyes feeling the warm breath of her bother on her neck and cheek. 

     "I love you too Herms."  

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now