Meeting the girls

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*This chapter is not meant to slut-shame or to hate on Ravenclaws.  I myself am one.

Schools have been back for a month and everything is going to shit.  Not even a week into the year James and Sirius hexed Regulus making him scream like a goat every time he talks.  They tormented a first-year Slytherin girl.  To the point, she won't even look at James and Sirius.

"Hermione, why are you hanging around a Snake?  I thought I told you not to."  James hissed.  Hermione was studying with Regulus in the liberty doing nothing wrong.  

"Why can't I?"  She asked looking him dead in the eyes.

"He's evil."  

"He's better than you are."   She shot back defensively.  


"How?  Your harming people for fun James isn't that worse than simply wearing a green tie?"  She said with a smug face.  "Come Regulus.  We can study in my dorm."  Hermione said grabbing up all her books.  

"Boys can't get into the girl's dorm.  I should know I've tried!"  James said, before quickly adding.  "Forget I said that." 

 "He's right you know boys can't get into the girl's dorm,"  Regulus said out of breath.  Hermione was walking really fast, causing the boy to fall behind.  

"Honestly Reggie you acting as if the Ravenclaws haven't figured out how to trick the stairs."  She said turning the hall to the Ravenclaw door.  

"Which came first the Phenix or the egg?"  

"A circle has no being.  Stay at here I'll be back."  Said running up the stairs to the 2nd year girls' dorm.   A few moments later emerging from the room with a bottle of perfume.  "Here."  She said shoving it into his hand, Regulus just looked at it confused. "Spray it onto yourself dummy."   And he did the failure sent of Hermione's vanilla scent filled the noses of the duo.  "Now come."  She said as she grabbed his hand, guiding him up the steps.   And it worked he got up the stairs just fine.  

"How did they figure that out?"  He asked sitting down on Hermione's bed.   

Hermione smirked.  "Ravenclaws have rep don't they?"    This caused the boy to blush.  Everyone knew the reputation that Ravenclaws like to sleep around.   "Some of the older girls taught us how to cast a silencing charm, so Im pretty sure they're ok with the reputation."  

"Yea I know Radulphis Lestrange told me about sneaking in here all the time when he was in his 5th year.  I just didn't know how he did it."  He said rather bashfully.   

"Well anyway, let's get back to work.  What do you know about Gillyweed?"   

"Hermione!"  Lily said grabbing onto her arm.  

"Yes Lilly?"

"I want you to meet some people!"  She said hopping up and down.

"What is up with you today?"  Hermione asked eyeing the rather cheery red head. 

"I'm just excited that my best friend is getting to meet my other best friends!"   She said jerking Hermione over to a tree by the black lake.  Sitting under it was girl with pale brown skin and very dark hair.  When she looked up Hermione say that her eyes where a striking shade of dark blue.  The girl next to her had brown hair and very pale skin.  On the left was a girl with long blond, she was laughing at something.  And a plump girl with short blond hair.  

"Hello, girls,"  Lily said taking a seat in front of them.  

"Lilly whos this?"  The first blond asked.  

"This is James's sister Hermione.  She's a lot different than James.  Hermione, this is Dorcas Meadows,"  Lily said pointing at the girl with dark blue eyes. "Mary MacDonald."  The one with brown hair.  "Alice Fortescue."  The plump one.  "And Marlene Mckinnon."  The one with long blond hair. 

"Hello, Hermione.  Marlene said sticking her hand out.  

"Hi,"  Hermione said shaking the girl's hand.  

"Wassup girly,"  Mary said, giving Hermione a charming smile.  

"Hello mate,"  Dorcas said in a very thick Scottish accent.  

"Hi,"  mumbled Alice.  

"Well, let's say we play something,"  Lily said.

"Like what?"  Dorcas asked.

"Like would you rather?"  

"What's that?"  Hermione asked looking at her with confusion.

"Ok, so it's easy.  I'll say would you rather eat snails or kiss Sirius or something."  

"Eat snails."  Mary, Alice, Dorcas, and Hermione said at the same time.  The group of girls bursts out laughing.   

"what about you Marlene?"  Lily asked wrangling her eyebrows.  

"I'd rather kiss Sirius because snails are slimy."  She said acting like she throwing up.  

"Mmh a likely alibi."   She said with a wink.  

"Ok lets see would you rather, swim with a mermaid or ride a unicorn?"  Merlene asked the group.  The girls had been playing this game for an  hour and none of them wanted to stop.

"Unicorn all day.  The mermaids scare me."  Hermione said eyeing the lake.  

"Mermaids I love the water."  Mary said.  "But then again they might try to drown me."  

"I think Unicorns because they're pretty."  Alice said, her eyes wondering.

"What are you looking  at?"  Hermione asked.

"Not what.  Who."  Lily said with a giggle.  


"Never mind.  Lets play 20 questions."  Lily said.

Hermione really liked the girls. They were everything she could ask for in friends. Mary joked a lot, Dorcas like Quitich, Alice was good at charms a subject Hermione was struggling in. Lily was kind-hearted and compassionate. And also wasn't afraid to put James in his place. Merlene was boy crazy something that might come in handy one day.  But she could see these friendships weren't going anywhere.      

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now