Im a man now = boys who think they are men

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     It's been a while since Hermione's talked to James and Sirius, but she was shocked to see such drastic changes.   

     She got off the train looking for her mother, the only person she was excited to see.   She definitely wasn't excited to spend the summer with the boys.     "Hermione!"  Her father yelled making his way, through the crowd.  

     "Daddy!"  She yelled running to him.  "I've missed you."  She mumbled into his neck, giving him a hug.  She looked past him to see Sirius and James.  A really big James.  He had grown a lot since they have last talked.  His face was no longer the boyish face she knew, he was resembling her father more and more.   He was tall, but no longer lanky.  

     Sirius was just about the same as before, just now his hair hung to his shoulders.  And he grew a little.  "Wassup kitten."  The boy said jogging over to her.  "Ha look who's tall now!"  He said puffing out his chest.  He wasn't much taller than her only about 2 inches.   

     "Shut up Sirius please, for all things good shut up."  She mumbled, she felt her face heating up as she saw Remus.  He hadn't changed any at all, but lately, he's had that effect on her.  

     "Hello, sisteronnie."  James said walking over to her, acting as though they had been best chums over the past months.  

     "James."  She said her voice firm.  "You've changed."   

    The 14-year-old scoffed.  "And you haven't?  Look at ya, you have dirty pillows!"  He said motioning to her chest.   (Carrie anyone?) 

     "Could you, I don't know not to look at my boobs?"  She hissed.  She had noticed her father had already left the group and now he was talking to his friend Amos Diggory.  That little pudgy man had a son by the same name in the 7th year.  "I cant wait to see Dora!"  She said cheerfully remembering the young girl is nearing one year old.  

     The young girls skipped off towards her father, the two boys following close behind.  "Daddy can we go?"  Hermione asked tugging on the tall man's sleeve.  

     "Of course darling.   I'll see you later than Amos?"  He asked in his deep voice.  

     "Of course."   

      "Alright!  Now that I am a man!  I need you, children, to listen to me!"  James said to gain the attention of his bickering friend and Sister.  

     "Your no man James, your 14,"   Hermione said rolling her eyes.  Sirius snickered at the hurt expression on his friend's face.  

     "I am too!  I have hair on my chest!  That means Im a man."  James said putting his hands on his hips.  

     "Let me see then."  

     "Im not letting my sister see me with no shirt on.  Are you ridiculous?"  He said almost sounded offended.  

     "James we used to take baths together!"  

     "We were THREE!"  He defended backing up as his sister inched closer.  

     "Let me see the hair then Jamsie poo.  Let me see that you are a man."  She taunted.  Turnign to Sirius she said.  "You seen him changing this moring does he have chest hair?"   

     "Nope."  He said popping the P.  "Not a one."

     "Right, and he has no facial hair so,"  SHe said Sirius butting in.

     "He's not a man."  

     "Which means we don't have to listen to him."  She said given Sirius a knowing look.  The two children went back to bickering about the boy's stupid pranks.    James watched on in amusement.  

August 5th,

     "Happy birthday, sweet girl."  Hermione cooed bouncing the little girl on her knee.  Dora let out a cheerful gurgle, which made Sirius smile brightly.   Much to Hermione's surprise, he was a dotting cousin, who loved kids.  Who would have known the big bad Sirius Black had a soft spot for giggling babies.  

     "Anything new with her?"  Elena Potter asked Andi.  

    "Um, well just lately she's started to copy the appearance of people.  Wich is quite weird to explain, expressly to muggles why my baby's hair went from brown to blond.  Or something."

      "How do you keep her from changing in public?" 

     "I charm her as best as I can.  Though sometimes it wheres off, which means I've become quite good at oblivating."  

     The adults seemed to talk for hours leaving the children to have some fun with their little doll.  "Dora."  James cooed trying to get the baby to focus on him.   When the baby had memorized his features she changed her hair from brown to raven black, and she giggled.  "Merlin I love kids."  He whispered to himself. 

    "We are kids are self mate."  Sirus reminded him of going to pick up the giggling baby.  "Too cute."  He mumbled and she squealed.  

     "you'll make a good dad Mate,"  James said laughing to himself, as Dora pulled on Sirius's hair.  

September 19,

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERMIONE!"  James Cheered, entering the great hall.  

     "Could you not?"  Some girl said walking out.  

      "Whatever Greta."  

     Today was Hermione's 14 birthday, her and James were the same age once again.  Only until November though.  

Later that night:

    "Err, Hermione?"  Remus asked rubbing the back of his head.


    "I was wondering if you would like to...  I don't know... go to Hogsmeadwithme."  He rushed the last part, blushing a deep red.  

    "Sure."  She said simply going back to working on her charms paper.  

     "Wait what?"  He asked confused.

     "I said ok.  I Hermine Jean Potter will go to Hogsmead, with Remus John Lupin."  She said giggling to herself.   She didn't look up but she knew the boy had a huge grin on his face.   

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now