James Potter and Lily Evans, Hermione Potter and Regulus Black

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        "Lily,"  James said sitting next to the redhead.    The girl turned her head to look at the boy, a small smile on her face, this was a broad difference from how she would have responded before.    This gave James a glimmer of hope.   

       "Yes?"  She asked in a calm voice, beforehand, she would have screamed at him.   

        "Lily, would you like to go to Hogsmead with me?"    He asked, he was very hopeful this time, they were spending a lot more time together, and she was being nice to him.   

        This hopefulness was quickly shot down when Lily gave him a look of regret.   "Sorry James,"  She said avoiding his eyes.  "I've already said I'd go with Cooper."   Cooper Marsh, 7th year Ravenclaw, he was nice enough, though the fact that he had asked Lily out knocked him down a peg for James.   

        "Oh."   He said glumly.   "Well, maybe next time?"   The next Hogsmeade trip was next year so, he would have to wait some time.   

      "Yea, next time,"   Lily said giving him a smile, this boasted his ego, though taking the advice from his sister he would not show it.   

         "Oh, sister dearest."  James sang, sitting in his little sister's lap.   

         "Get the hell off me."  She said trying to push him off.  "I swear to merlin if you rip this damn book, I will hex the ever-living life out of you."

           "Thank youuuuu"   He said sliding off her.   

          "For what?"   She asked, she hadn't done anything?

           "Lily, she said she will go to Hogsmeade with me."  He said a goofy smile on his face.   "Well, next year anyway!"   

         "Um, that's great."   She already knew that Lily would say yes, the girl wasn't as slick about hiding her feelings as she thought she was.   

         "And it's all because of you."   He stopped a moment before smirking,  "Of course my devilishly good looks also played a big part."   He said, before starting to do model poses, causing his sister to crack a small smile.     "So sister, do you have any suiters?   Tell me when you do, gotta make sure they're good enough for you."   He said flexing.

        "Nope."  She said rolling her eyes.  "I don't have a boyfriend." 

         "Well, why the hell not?"   He asked taken back, "Do they think you're ugly?   I will harm anyone who thinks my sister is ugly."   

         "Sirius asked me, so I could-"

         "Oh hell no."   He said staring her dead in the eyes.   "I love Sirius, don't get me wrong, but I know how he is, and you will never date him."    

         "Good, because I see him as a brother, nothing more."    

        "Whatcha reading?"  He asked leaning forward to look down at her page.  "Love potions eh?"   He asked his brows raised so high they were lost in his mop of hair.  "Look I get wanting a date but-"

       She snapped her book shut, "It's not for me, I'm just looking into them."   She snapped at him.

        "Geeze Mya, I was joking."  He said putting her hands up in defense.  "Why are you so mad anyway."

       "I'm not mad, I'm just trying to learn and people keep bothering me, thinking I'm going to make a love potion or asking if I could make them one."   She said rolling her eyes, in annoyance.   

      "Could you make me one?"   He asked a large smile on his face.   

        "Fuck you."  She said, but she couldn't help but laugh. 

        Regulus breathed in deeply, trying to calm his nerves.  'Come on man.'  He thought to himself.   'Whats the worst she'll say?'  There was a pause.  'Well, she could always say no.'    

      "Go man,"  Zabini said, slapping him on the back.  Regulus had told his closet freind what he wanted to do, but now he was regretting it.   

       "Fine, just leave me alone."   The annoyed boy said slapping his friend's hand away.   Sucking a large breath in, he walked forward towards the library door.

         "Good luck!"   

         "Hermione."   He said sitting into his seat, the same seat he's sat in since his first year.    

         "Reggie."   She said turning the page of her book.  







        "Stop, Hermione, do you have a date to Hogsmeade yet?"   He asked, looking past her face.  


       "Would you."   He took a large breath in.  "Would you like to go with me?"   

          "Sure."   She said simply.

         "What?"   He asked completely dumbfounded.  

         "Sure, why not?"   She said again looking up to meet his face, a large smile graced her face.   "I would really like to go to Hogsmead with you."   

         "Brilliant."   He said in an airy voice, a goofy grin soon appearing on his face.  

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