Regulus Black

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Hermione's Diary:

'November, 3rd,

It's been 2 months since schools started and James hasn't talked to me.  Yesterday Pandora blew up her food at lunch.  Poor girl going to get herself killed that way.  Amilia said I need to stop worrying about the possibility of her blowing herself up, but I cant merlin its bad.  She was sent to the hospital wing on the 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL for god sake because she burned herself really bad experimenting with potions.    

Well on a much cheerier note at least Remus is talking to me.  He's such an interesting boy truly.  I wonder sometimes if he's sick or something.  So far he's been missing from dinner at the end of each month.  I would ask Sirius or James about it if they would just talk to me, but I guess they're to egotistical to be seen around someone in a different house.  Stupid.  

Oh and one of James's friends or well maybe not a friend- Lily Evens has started to sit with us at the library.   She reminds me of Remus.  Sweet, beautiful, and smart.  Did I just call Remus beautiful?  


'November 5th, 

I love transfiguration and Professor McGonagall and all truly but shes making me do a project with Regulus Black.  He didn't look to happy about it either.  

Well, at least Sirius talked to me.  After he found me talking with Regulus about the project.  And it was more like screaming at me for hanging around a snake.  Honestly, the boy's not that bad.  He's really shy.


November 8th

After her last class of the day (potions)  Hermione headed to the library where she and Regulus agreed to meet up.  

"Hello, Regulus."  She said plopping down next to him.  "Potter."  That was all he said in return taking out his transfiguration book.  "Ok, so she said to write an essay on the history of transfiguration,"  Hermione said rolling her eyes.  "Why did this have to be a partner thing?  Honestly."  She said with a huff.    Regulus looked up and smiled.  "It's almost like you don't want to work with me, Potter."  "Of course I do.  I just like to work alone that's all."  

November 10th,

"Pst Potter."  A voice said behind her, whipping around she saw Regulus in the shadows.  "What?"  She asked.  "Follow me."  He said grabbing her wrist.  The boy led her to the forest.  "We're not allowed in her Regulus."  She said to him.  "Hermione its fine we're just going to the tree we'll be fine."  He said.  "You called me Hermione."  She said dumbfounded.  "We're friends dummy.  What else am I support to call you?"  "I didn't know we're friends."  "Come on Potter your a really slow walker."  He said changing the subject.

When the duo arrived at the tree, Regulus took off his grey school jumper.  And started climbing before setting on a branch near the bottom but still quite high up.  He motioned for Hermione to come up and so she did.  She wasn't very good at climbing.  If her mother saw her now with twigs in her black curls and dirt on her white shirt, she would flip.  

Regulus held his hand out for her to grab.  She sat on a thick branch under a little lower than Regulus.  "So Potter any more info for the Transfiguration essay?"  He asked with a raised eyebrow.  "Um, I could only find that it was one of the earliest forms of magic."   "Who invented it?"  Hermione gave a light chuckle.  "I don't know."  "Wow, Potter that's really informative."  Sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Well do you have anything?"  "No.  Well I mean Rawona Ravenclaw was quite good at transfiguration."  "Of course she was."  

Hermione closed her eyes to think looking up into the sky.  What she didn't know was Regulus looking down observing her face.  Noticing just how many freckles truly covered her pale face.  Or how her nose was a pretty button shape.  

After a few minutes, Hermione opened her eyes to see Regulus grey ones staring into her dark blue eyes.   A light blush crept onto his face.  "Sorry."  He mumbled looking away.  "No worrys mate."  She said hopping down from her branch landing with a loud thump on her knees.  It didn't hurt as you'd think.  Regulus took the safe route and climbed down, picking up his jumper.  

"Last one there's a muggle!"   Hermione screamed before taking off, running towards the castle.  Regulus despite getting a late start caught up to the girl.  

Then he tripped over a root.  Laying on his back he let out a groan, when Hermione hoped on him giggling.  Regulus flipped her over pinning her down before tickling her sides.  The sounds of happy girlish giggles filled Regulus' ears.  Causing him to let out a laugh.  When he was caught off guard Hermione overturned him tickling his sides.

You could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh.  This irked Hermione wanting to make him laugh.  So she went for under his chin that's what gets James laughing.  And it worked.  

The kids took turns making each other laugh for who knows how long.  All they knew is by the time Regulus was dropping her off outside of the great hall that way her brother didn't see.  It was already dinner time.  They left not long after lunch.   

Hermione kissed Regulus cheek before heading into the great hall.  Leaving a blushing stunned Regulus.  Slowly putting his hand up to his cheek he let out a light sigh, a huge boyish grin on his face.  Walking in her got a few odd looks from some Slythrines who noticed the pep in his step and smile.  Also his hair was a mess with twigs and leaves in it.  He had no jumper on it was in his hand.  

"Black what happened?"  Avery asked when he sat down.  Regulus raised a brow before asking, "What do you mean?"  "I mean you look like a mess.  Like a muggle child not like a pure-blood wizard."  "Ohh sod off."  Regulus Replyed eating some turkey.  

"Hermione where were you?  We've been looking for you!"  Pandora scolded when she sat down.  "I was playing."  She replied.   "Playing?  with who?"  "None ya."  Hermine said stuffing her face its potatoes.  

"Good night,"  Hermione said to Amilia before turning over, sleep over coming her.    

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now