Well that could have gone worse

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        "Sirius, think about it,"   Hermione said walking in between the two dark-haired Gryffindors.  "Marlene is a very nice girl.   Not someone you can fuck and duck."  

      "Herms, I don't want to settle down anytime soon, I haven't even finished school yet,"  Sirius said rolling his eyes. 

      "We already see all the deaths happening every day.  The Bones, the Maxwells, The Spencers.  So many families are being torn apart by that evil man.   Who knows how long you have to get married have some kids."   

       "Why is that the end goal?"  

     "James,"  Hermione said, sighing at her brother.  "Because it would be nice to be happy and have a family before we all fucking die."  Hermione simply put.

      "Well whatever,"  James said chucking at his little sister.  "If that's what you want."  

      "But Marlene loves Sirius,"  Hermione said. "And I just thought so did Sirius since they have been dating for so long."   

      "Nah I do feel deeply about her, but love is not the right word.  I think you're just a girl, who dreams of a happy little family and a nice big wedding."  Sirius said rubbing her head.  "We men?  We don't want those things nessasaraly we just like the sex."  

      "Shut the fuck up you nasty dog,"  James said laughing to himself.  "I want to have a family."  He said smirking.  "But sex would be a benefit."

      "I hate men."  

    Hermione sat in Divination.  She hated this class.  It was fake.  No proof.  This man was delusional.   Always rambling on about how she had a bad future full of pain.  Bunch of bull shit.  How could one know all that from some tea leaves and a stupid glass ball?    

      "Ahh ms. Potter."  Mr.  Marrow said giving her a large smile.  This man's eyes were full of crazy, they were an eerie blue that felt like something was off.  "Where is your dream book?"  He asked.  

       "I didn't do it,"  Hermione said coolly.  

       "Why?"  He asked raising a blond eyebrow over his owl eyeglasses. 

       "Because it's bullshit,"  Hermione said smirking, she looked a lot like James at that moment.  

      "Why did you even join this class then?"  He asked keeping his cool, it was almost intimidating. 

       "My freind Lily said it would be fun.  It is not."   Hermione said rolling her eyes.  "I can't believe someone as smart as her would believe in this.  I mean there is no proof."   

         "Ahh young lady, there is no proof of witches and wizards in the muggle world, yet here we are.  Maybe you aren't as smart as you think you are.  The smartest people always think out of the box.  You little lady need to see something in a book, written by a famous wizard to believe it.  But other, smarter people do not." 

       "What."   This man-made has no sense whats so ever.  

        "Get out of my classroom Ms. Potter.  Your presence is ghastly."  He said smiling and pointing at the door.  

"What in the living fuck."  Hermione said laughing to herself.  She was heading to the headmasters, there was nothing else to do but to go bug him and to change her schedule.  She might take muggle studies that seem fun enough. 

     "Hello Headmaster,"  Hermione said walking through the last door to the headmaster's room.  

      "Ahh, good afternoon ms. Potter."  He said giving her a sweet smile.  "Usually it's the other Potter in here.   I suppose this is about what happened in Divison then?"  

      "Yes.  Wait how-"  

       "Ahh, Hermione the walls have ears, always listening they are,"   Dumbledore said giving her a smile.  "Now that would be muggle studies then?"  He asked picking up a quil."  


       "I'll take that as a yes then."   He asked raising a bushy eyebrow.  

       "Yes yes of course,"  Hermione said giving him a toothy smile. 

       "How have you been Ms. Potter?"  The headmaster asked looking over his half-moon glasses. "I heard about your father fainting at work."  

     No, he didn't.  Did he?  "I haven't heard that,"  Hermione said raising her eyebrow.  "When did that happen?"  

       "Just last week my dear, he's very weak and ill right now.  Just a shell of what he used to be."  Dumbledore said looking over his glasses.  "Real shame he's such a kind man.   Pity really."   

      "Yes.  Real pitty."  Hermione said her voice thick with pain.  She knew her father was ill and weakening.  Just the thought of him struggling alone was too much to bear, the loss of his wife, the only woman he'd ever loved weakened his heart, now the mystery illness was killing his body.  "Do you know how he is by chance?  I haven't sent him a letter in quite some time."  

      "I'm afraid not Ms. Potter.  Last I heard he was sent homesick, but I would advise sending a letter and informing Mr. Potter."  He said giving her a warm smile.  "Visit him for Christmas, spend time with him.  You're a wise girl Hermione y'know what this means."  The headmaster said handing her the finished updated schedule.  

      Hermione did indeed know what this meant.  She is known for a while regardless of whether she wanted to imitate it or not.  She sat in the big red chair of the headmaster's office.  Her face showed no emotion, her insides were tight and warm but her skin must have paled noticeably. "Are you ok, Ms. Potter?"  Dumbledore asked.  All the teenage girl could do was nod her head yes and slowly rise from the chair.  "I can call someone to escort you down to the nurse."  He offered.  But Hermione just shook her head 'no' and headed out.  

Idk what this is I'm tired 

James and  Hermione Potter:  Getting through school without dieing or worseWhere stories live. Discover now