Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Present time:

It’s been almost a year and a half since I’ve seen Harry for the first time on T.V. Since then he and his band, One Direction, have become a UK phenomenon. I won’t lie; it’s been hard seeing his face everywhere. Since One Direction is famous now, they’re in every UK magazine. Girls in my school are also going crazy every time they hear the words “One Direction”. I haven’t told anyone about Harry except for my best friend, Scarlett. I was nervous about how she’d react at first, but she was completely cool about it and understood my situation. The first few months  Harry was on the X-factor were really weird since I thought I’d never see him again in my life, but then the strange feeling soon turned into sadness. Every time I saw Harry’s picture, the yearning in my heart grew bigger and stronger. I considered texting or calling him many times, but I never had the courage to actually do it. Not after our ugly break up.

May 2010:

“Welcome to Holmes Chapel girls!” our father exclaimed. My father, sister, and I were standing in front of our new “home”.  My father put his arms around me and my sister as if we were one big happy family. We’ve been moving twice every year since our mother left, which was 5 years ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if we moved again by the end of this summer. My sister groaned and started taking her suitcases out of the car. She grabbed the keys from my father’s hands and headed towards the house. This was going to be one long summer.

After I finished unpacking my clothes, I decided to walk around Holmes Chapel to kill time. We’ve never lived in a small town before, so this was all new to me. I had to admit that I liked this place. There wasn’t any traffic and everyone seemed to know each other. I hoped that this time we’d stay here for good. I grabbed a drink from Starbucks and continued walking when a poster caught my eye. “White Eskimo?” I said out loud “live at the Chester Amphitheatre this Saturday”. Who the heck calls their band ‘White Eskimo’?

 “You should go check them out” I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to find a boy with curly hair and green eyes that practically glow. He looked around my age and was quite tall “I heard that the lead singer was really cute”

 “Um, thanks for the tip but I probably won’t”

“How come?” he asked crossing his arms.

“I’m still new here so I don’t know my way around yet” My eyes trailed down to the pile of papers he was holding in his hands. They were identical to the White Eskimo poster “Let me guess, lead singer?” I asked.

“That’s me” he said flashing his dimples “But seriously, you should come. I’m Harry by the way”


“Nice to meet you, Emily; come by this Saturday, I’ll introduce you to everyone since we’re probably going to be in the same school”

“How are you so sure?”

“Holmes Chapel is a very small town; there aren’t many schools around here” I simply nodded my head “anyways, I should get going. Here’s a flyer in case you changed your mind”

“Thanks” and with that, he smiled again and walked away. I looked at the flyer in my hand. ‘As if I’m going’ I thought and stuffed it in my pocket.


I was lying on my bed listening to some music. I was about to die of boredom. Amanda was getting ready for a night out with some friends. We’ve been here for only 4 days and Amanda already made about twenty new friends.

“EM! I’M HEADING OUT!” she yelled from down the stairs “DO YOU NEED ME TO DRIVE YOU SOMEWHERE?”

“NO” I yelled back. I don’t know anyone here except for Harry. I looked at the flyer that was on my dresser. I started debating on whether to go or not. ‘DON’T BE A WUSSY EMILY’ I told myself. It’s not like I had anything better to do “AMANDA! WAIT FOR ME!”


I got out of Amanda’s car and walked in. The band had already started. It was really crowded and I couldn’t find a place to sit, so I just hung out in the back like a loner. I knew I shouldn’t have come. He probably doesn’t even remember me. I looked at Harry who was singing ‘Summer of 69’. I smiled when I heard him sing since it was me and my mother’s favorite song. His voice was actually really good. Girls were going crazy for the band. In the middle of the song, he took his ray-bans off and threw them to a group of girls. I watched as they all fought over who should keep it. Who the hell WAS this guy? I leaned my back against a wall and enjoyed the music.  So coming here wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Harry’s eyes met mine and he gave me a smile. I gave him a small wave and smiled back. He winked at me and suddenly I felt butterflies in my stomach. Hold on, I did not just get butterflies in my stomach because this curly-haired guy from a band winked at me, did I?

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