Chapter 40

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Emily’s POV:

  My face rested on Harry’s chest as we watched The Simpsons. His chest rose slowly and I could hear his heart beats. I looked up at him tossing his head back with laughter. I smiled to myself and tugged on my sweater which happened to be Harry’s and smelled exactly like him. Everything was finally falling back into place again. I just hope that nothing else happens this time. It’s like every time Harry and I finally feel absolutely content with our relationship, the universe just throws a huge problem into our faces.

  I could feel his finger toying with the end of my shorts which shot shivers down my spine. My hand reached out to grab his as our fingers intertwined.

 “Come back to Holmes Chapel with me after the summer” he suddenly said.

  “What?” I asked him in shock, looking at him with a smile.

  “I want you to meet my parents formally. I mean, I know you already know my Mum and sister already, but I want to formally introduce you to them as my girlfriend” I was speechless, but in the good sense. I’ve known Harry forever, and he’s not the type of guy who would take girls to meet his family, so this was major to me.

  “I’d love to” I smiled, kissing his lips “And we’ll arrange a dinner with Amanda and my dad one day”

  “But they hate me” he said.

  “There’s nothing a little persuasion can’t fix” I told him reassuringly. He smiled uneasily and stared into empty space. I could tell that he was worried about this whole thing “Hey” I told him grabbing his chin and locking his eyes with mine “I love you, and nothing in this world can change that. Don’t worry about my family, they’ll come through eventually”

  “I hope so” he said, his eyes still looking a bit distant. I could tell that something was worrying him, but I couldn’t exactly point my finger at it. Before I could ask him, Zayn barged into the living room with his arm around Scarlett. They were both singing at the top of their lungs obviously drunk.

  “Oh, Zayner” Scarlett said putting on a puppy voice “Just look at the happy couple” she said referring to Harry and I.

  “Not happier than us, Scar!” Zayn replied, kissing her neck sloppily. Zayner and Scar? Since when have these two created nicknames for each other? Better yet, since when do they acknowledge each other’s existence? Let alone kiss and hold each other.

  “Um, guys” Liam said coming into the room with a drunken Louis under his arm, and the rest following behind him “We have a major problem”

  “What?” Harry asked with his arm still tight around me.

  “Scarlett and Zayn here just got married” Danielle said.

  “WHAT?” we both yelled in sync.

  “How could they get married?” I asked standing up.

  “I don’t know” Liam stammered “They ran off and when we found them, they had THIS in their hands” Liam handed me a piece of paper. I opened it up to find that it was Scarlett’s and Zayn’s marriage certificate. I gaped at it with shock. I looked back at Scarlett and Zayn who looked as if they didn’t have a clue about what was going on “Okay” I said grabbing Scarlett by the arm “Let’s take you to bed and we’ll handle this whole issue tomorrow when the whole house is sober” Jasmine and I dragged Scarlett upstairs to her bed. Jasmine was also a bit tipsy, but she managed.

  “But I don’t feel sleeeppppyy” Scarlett whined. I sighed, taking her heels off and putting her into bed.

  “Just go to sleep, Scar” Jasmine said angrily.

  “oooh, someone’s a bit feisty because they got into a fight with their boyyyfriiieennd” Scarlett teased. I looked at Jasmine with shock. She and Niall never fought. Ever. Jasmine refused to even explain what was going on.

  “I’ll explain the whole situation tomorrow” Jasmine said “I just need to crash in your room for the night”

  “Yeah, of course” I told her reassuringly as she went to get her pajamas from her room. Well this was an eventful night; I finally stood up to Lila, Harry got into a fist fight, we got back together, Zayn and Scarlett got married, and now Jasmine and Niall are in a fight. Could this day get any weirder? I walked through the hallways to find the boys dragging a not so happy Zayn to bed as well. Danielle and Eleanor were in their rooms as well, taking their make-up off and getting ready for bed. I went back downstairs (since Lila’s room was the only one located there) looking for her. I knew that she was a complete bitch, lied to me, tried to steal my boyfriend, and has tormented me for the past 18 years, but she was still family and I couldn’t leave her to sulk in her misery. I knocked slowly on her bedroom door cracking it open.

  I found her lying on the bed still in her dress sobbing.

  “Lila” I began sitting beside her on the bed “Come on, Lil” I hated this. I hated my position right now.

  “Don’t act like you give a shit, Emily!” Lila said with her face still buried in the pillow “Just go back to your perfect life and your perfect boyfriend! I shouldn’t have come here in the first place!” Well, she was kind of right.

  “Lila, I didn’t mean to blow up in your face like that, but you know what Harry is to me and—”

  “Oh, stop it!” she snapped sitting up, mascara and eye shadow all over her face “You act like you’re so fucking nice to everyone when in reality, you’re just a lying bitch! I finally meet someone I genuinely like and who might even like me back, but of course he just had to be the great Emily Parker’s ex, didn’t he?” she yelled. She stood up and ran a hand through her hair “Things were finally going well for once and he was almost over you until you decided to come back! You don’t even treat him right! I love him, okay? I love him more than you probably ever will and you don’t even deserve Harry!” she took her heels off and threw them across the room. She was having an absolute rampage. I stood up, filled with rage myself.

  “What do you want me to do for you? I can’t just leave him because you asked me to! Plus, you should’ve known from the start that—”

  “That what?” she yelled, belittling me “That he was yours? Sorry to break it to you, but he was with different girls every night while you were in Paris. I actually got to know him, and he was finally starting to feel happy again, but it’s like you have this little radar in you that goes off just when he starts to get a bit over you” I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing. She was making me look like the bad guy, and I was starting to believe it myself.

  “You don’t know anything” I hissed at her.

  “I do know that you don’t treat him well, and that’s all I need to know”

  “No” I shouted “It’s good enough of me that I let you stay here, I love you Lila and you are my cousin, but I love Harry and I’m not giving him up just because you want me to. So good bye, good luck, and good ridden” I could see the fury written all over her face. She took a deep breath before raising her hand to slap me. I cringed away, ready for her slap when Harry appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her wrist.

  “Don’t you dare” he told her quietly. She looked at him with shock and speechlessness.

  “Harry” she told him “It’s not what it looks like, I just…I…”

  “I’ve heard quite enough” he told her, pulling me behind his back “I know I opened up to you and that we were quite close, and that I kissed you too, but it was always Emily, and it’ll always be Emily no matter what. I’m sorry, Lil” Harry grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. I looked back at Lila who fell to her knees, crying. I hated leaving things like this.

  “Are you okay?” Harry asked when we were alone.

  “Yeah” I told him, our fingers toying with each other “It’s just that I kind of feel bad but I don’t at the same time”

  “There’s nothing you could do. If this is anyone’s fault it’s mine for kissing her in the first place” I looked up at his face. Even with his busted eye, he still looked like the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on, but what if Lila was right? What if I really was no good for him?

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