Chapter 38

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Emily’s POV:

  I woke up the next morning with a huge aching in my head. I rolled and tossed around in the bed, groaning with pain. The cold air coming from the air conditioner sent shivers down my spine. I hid under my bed covers, trying to remember what had happened last night.

  I remember Jasmine sleeping over at me and Scarlett’s room and talking about memories from senior year. I also remember them falling asleep and me sneaking out to the beach with a bottle of Tequila in my hand. I opened my eyes slowly and took a peek around. The sunlight peeking from the curtains burned my eyes, so I grabbed the nearest sunglasses next to me and covered them. I looked around and quickly realized that this wasn’t my room.

  I looked down to what I was wearing; Harry’s Ramones shirt and his Marvel boxers. Oh crap. I quickly got out of bed and staggered downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon.

  “She finally awakens from her slumber!” Louis announced when I walked into the kitchen.

  “Where did you disappear to last night?” Scarlett asked, frying the bacon.

  “I actually don’t remember” I told them grabbing a mug of coffee and sliding down on a chair. I looked back at Harry who had his back to me and was heating up the toast. I looked around wondering if Lila was anywhere near “Where’s, um, Lila?” I asked.

  “Right here” Lila beamed stepping into the kitchen happily. I rolled my eyes in disgust as I took a sip out of my coffee mug “Morning everyone” They all replied to her politely as the kitchen turned utterly silent “Morning Har-bear” I heard her say. My head shot towards her and Harry. I watched as she slid her hand to the bottom of his back. I immediately made a gag reflex and went back to drinking my coffee.

  “Well what do you know” Zayn said slapping my back “For the first time in history, Emily Parker is suffering from a hangover and I’m not” I gave Zayn a fake smile and took off the sunglasses, noticing just now that they’re Harry’s. Well, this is awkward “Nice boxers by the way” Zayn whispered.

  “What happened last night?” I asked him in a hushed tone.

  “I don’t know” he shrugged “But I woke up to the sight of you and Harry fast asleep in each other’s arms. I thought that this meant that you two made up, but apparently you know as much as I do”

  “I can’t remember a thing from last night, Zayn. It’s freaking me out.” I hissed. I could see Harry glancing at us every five seconds as Lila followed him around like a puppy.

  After they were done with the cooking, they grabbed the plates of food and left to the dining area.

  “Guys, are you coming or what?” Danielle asked Zayn and I, trying to balance 11 plates in her hands.

  “Nah, we’re good here” Zayn told her “Do you want some help with those?” Before Danielle could reply, Liam grabbed the plates from Danielle, kissing her cheek tenderly. I smiled at the sight of them together. Three years and still going strong was extraordinary with Liam’s success and Danielle’s busy schedule. It kind of made me wish that Harry and I had a relationship as strong as theirs.

  “Louis, look what I have” Lila chanted taunting Louis with a carrot in her hand. Louis gave her the best smile he could before walking away towards the dining room and making the funniest face which caused Zayn and I to choke on our coffee “Do I amuse you two in some way?” Lila snapped at us.

  “No” I told her “I just find the fact that you’re trying so hard adorable” I laughed. Harry appeared behind her. He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.

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