Chapter 42

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 I lifted my suitcase up to the cargo. My head ached from the alcohol last night. I knew drinking the night before our flight was a bad idea. After various inspections, we were finally in a terminal. Everyone head out to check the book stores, coffee shops, and all of the other stores except for Jasmine and I. I plopped down on a seat rubbing my aching head.

  “Told you not to drink too much yesterday” Jasmine told me triumphantly.

  “I drank as much as you did” I told her angrily “It’s not my fault I get drunk very easily” Jasmine laughed throwing her head back, sipping on her coffee. I ran a hand through my hair with a groan, adjusting my sunglasses. 

  “WAIT A SECOND” Jasmine suddenly shrieked, grabbing my wrist “When did this happen?” I looked at her puzzled for a couple of seconds before realizing that Harry and I had gotten matching tattoos last night. I smiled at the tattoo while Jasmine looked like she was about to have a heart attack “YOU BITCH! HOW COULD YOU GET A TATTOO AND NOT TELL ME ABOUT IT?”

  “We didn’t even know about it” I laughed “We were just walking around when we came across a tattoo parlor and…it just happened” Jasmine held on tightly to my wrist, admiring it carefully. She opened her mouth to speak when Liam, Harry, and Zayn sat down next to us. Zayn, of course, was a mess. Our flight wasn’t until another hour at least, so he made himself comfortable by lying down on three chairs and falling asleep. Liam took a seat next to Jasmine and Harry next to me, handing me a Starbucks drink.

  “Does your head still hurt, love?” Harry whispered, grabbing hold of my waist. I nodded slowly at him.

  “It’s better than before, though” I told him reassuringly.

  “Aw” he said jokingly, pulling me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes and resting on his shoulder taking in his familiar scent “I can’t wait for you to come back to Holmes Chapel with me” he told me. I smiled and crashed my lips onto his. I was going back to London for a day, then flying to Holmes Chapel to meet Harry’s parents, come back to London where Harry will formally meet my father, then I’ll start college and Harry and the rest of One Direction are going on tour again.

  “Get a room!” Zayn yelled, with his eyes still closed.

  “Shut up” I snapped, throwing the nearest jacket at him. He groaned and pulled the jacket close to him, using it as a pillow. After a couple of minutes, the whole crew was back suffering from hangovers and waiting for the plane.

  “So” Louis started “When were you two planning on showing us your new tattoos?” he asked with Eleanor fast asleep in his arms with sunglasses over her eyes.

  “We just got them” Harry told him “Anyways, why is this such a big deal to you guys?”

  “Harry? How could you?” Louis snapped jokingly “If you should get a tattoo for anyone, it should be ME”

  “Let me see them” Scarlett said, leaning in closely. Harry and I held out our wrists proudly, showing them the tattoos. Harry looked at me with a soft grin on his face which I happily returned. Things were finally back to normal again. They were even better than normal.


 “Come on, Em” Harry said stopping the car and pulling up in front of his old home in Holmes Chapel “Why are you so nervous?”

 “I’m not nervous!” I snapped at Harry, trying to calm down.

 “I promise that my Mum and Gemma don’t bite” he laughed getting out of the car and walking towards my side. He opened the car door and placed his hands on my knees. I took my seat belt off and sat parallel to him “They’ll love you” he said holding my chin up “They just want to see me happy, and I’m as happy as ever with you, plus you’ve met them both before” I felt a bit more reassured than I was before. Harry gave me a huge, cheeky smile knowing it would make me laugh. I laughed as he gave me a quick kiss and pulled me out of the car and towards the house. Harry ran the doorbell and I could feel my stomach tighten.

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