Chapter 36 (Part One)

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Emily’s POV:

  I fell to my knees on the sand, whimpering silently to myself. All this time he acted as if he spent the months we’ve been broken up in pain and despair, but in reality he was just snogging my cousin behind my back. I wiped my tears thinking that they weren’t worth it, but that didn’t help. The tears just streamed down continuously.

 I felt his large hand on my shoulder. I felt his large hand on my shaking shoulder. I pushed it away as I stood up, wiping my tears away.

  “Emily, please” he whispered “I just got you back”

  “And now you lost me again” I told him, growing furious once again “We were so close tonight, Harry! So close to getting it all back today, but for some odd reason you choose to keep on lying to me!”

  “I didn’t lie to you!” he said with frustration, trying to hold my hands which I kept yanking away.

  “You kissed my cousin behind my back! TWICE! And you were texting her all day long yesterday!” I told him “Just tell me one thing, who initiated the kiss?”

  “She kissed me the first time, but I didn’t kiss her back” he told me reassuringly.                                  

  “And the second time?” I asked, dreading the answer.

  “I was the one who kissed her” he confessed. I started walking away back towards the house when he grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away, but my petite figure was no match to his “It meant nothing, I swear!” he said desperately “We were broken up anyway, so why do you even care?”

  “The fact that you’re even asking that question makes it all worse” I hissed “Remember what you told me that night at the hospital? That there wasn’t any other girl you were thinking of?”

  “And I was saying the truth! Lila means absolutely nothing to me! Nothing! I love you and only you! I slept at your doorstep, I climbed to your balcony, I ran after you as soon as I saw you back in Paris, and I even suggested this whole vacation just so that I could fix things between us! What more proof do you want that you’re the one I want to be with?” The tears were now sliding down his face as well. I didn’t know how to respond so I just whimpered silently “I’m miserable without you. I just want everything to go back to normal.”

  “What about what I want?” I snapped angrily “What if I want to take it all back? The night at the club when we ran into each other again? That night we made love? The day I met you in Holmes Chapel? What if I want to take all of that back, huh? Things would be so much easier if none of that had ever happened!” He immediately let go of my hand. I gaped at him wishing I could take back everything I’d just said to him “N-no Harry, I didn’t mean—”

  “No, it’s fine” he said in a quiet tone with hurt written all over his face “I know exactly what you meant” he turned and walked away on the beach.

  “Harry!” I called after him, but he didn’t stop. He just continued walking.

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