Chapter 48

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Later that night, I finally sucked up the courage to face my family and went downstairs for dinner.

  “Dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes, honey” mum said, putting the food into the oven. I still couldn’t find Joseph anywhere and I didn’t ask.

  “Yay” I muttered sarcastically walking towards the balcony. I walked towards the edge and held onto the freezing railing. I rested my elbows and buried my face into my palms with a huge sigh. Things were finally going great, and now that I think of it our fight was pretty ridiculous.

  “Hey, Emily” I heard someone say behind me. I turned around startled to find Joseph sitting there.

  “Oh, hey” I said nervously “I didn’t see you sitting there”

  “It’s fine” he said swallowing his throat “Look, I’m sorry if my being here is bothering you so much. I found a place and I’m leaving tomorrow”

  “No, it’s not you” I sighed “It’s just my mum. It’s like she doesn’t want me to be happy with Harry. She just despises him so much and doesn’t see how much this hurts me and how much I love him and” I stopped mid-sentence taking in a deep breath “and why am I telling you this?” I inhaled loudly and turned back around. A few minutes later, he came and stood next to me.

  “So why aren’t you at Harry’s right now?” he asked as if he didn’t know.

  “ into a fight” I told him.

“Oh” he said after a few minutes of awkward silence “Well, I hope things work out” he said “I really do” I turned my face to look at his. He grinned sweetly and placed his hand on my back, rubbing it supportively.

  “Emily” a voice I knew too well said. I instantly turned around to find Harry standing in the doorway with flowers and a huge TLC bag.

  “Harry” I stammered “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to talk to you” he said with his eyes still fixed on Joseph “But it looks like you’re already preoccupied with something else” He huffed walking away angrily.

  “Harry, wait” I sighed following him and grabbing his arm.

  “For what?” he asked angrily, turning around to face me “So I could see you running back into Joseph’s reach?”

  “No, no” I stopped him calmly cupping his face in my hands.

  “I should go beat his pretty little ass—”

  “Harry” I stopped him again “Look at me” his eyes finally locked with mine as he calmed down “This is really sweet” I whispered with a smile forming on my face. I could see a grin forming on his face as well. I stood on the tip of my toes to kiss him.

  “Emily” he said breaking the kiss “I’m really, really sorry. I think you’re absolutely brilliant in everything you do, and that you’ll exceed everyone’s expectations, including mine.” I smiled, jumping up and kissing him as I wrapped my legs around his waist letting him lift me off the ground.

  “Things couldn’t get any better than this” I said, and I was right, because our relationship only went downhill from there

  I’d finally settled in my own apartment (with a little financial boost from my dad that is) and things went great for about a week, but then paradise soon turned into hell. We fought over the silliest things and the words that would come out of our mouths were awful. The things we fought over didn’t even make sense.

  “Harry, stop!” I yelled for the last time.

  “Why are you so darn angry?” Harry said laughing humorlessly getting angrier “I was just playing around”

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