Chapter 37

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Emily’s POV:

  I lay down on the bed whimpering. I couldn’t believe that Harry would stand by Lila and not by me. Was he actually serious or was that the aftermath of our fight? I sat up wiping my tears away. I wasn’t going to let my nosy, bitchy cousin ruin my summer. I wasn’t going to let her or Harry make me cry either. I wiped my face and straightened my hair, ready go outside to join the others. It was only 11 P.M, why were they home anyway?

  Just as I was about to leave, Jasmine, Eleanor, Scarlett, Louis, Niall, and Zayn walked into my room.

  “Um, Emily” Scarlett began “We don’t know how to tell you this but…”

  “Well Lila” Zayn continued “We know she’s your cousin, and we like her and everything, but—”

  “Guys” I interrupted them “It’s cool. I don’t want her here either.”

  “Well that’s a relief” Louis said “We tried asking Harry about what happened, but he wouldn’t talk to anyone. He’s seriously upset, Em.”

  “Why doesn’t he go talk to Lila about it?” I commented sarcastically, pushing through them towards the door “Lila’s leaving this house tonight whether Harry likes it or not” I told them opening the door and marching through the house, looking for her.

  “Hold up, tiger” Louis said stopping me “Just don’t do anything you’ll regret tomorrow morning.”

  “Louis, she kissed Harry, TWICE, came here spontaneously when no one even wants her here, and is probably planning to hook up with Harry in the next few days” I tried to free myself from Louis’ grip, but Zayn pulled me back as well.

  “Look, don’t do something that’ll make you lose Harry for good” Zayn said looking deep into my eyes “You’re angry now. Just sleep on it and we’ll figure this whole thing out tomorrow morning.” I calmed down and realized Zayn was right. Where was I going to throw my bratty cousin who barely knows how to stop a cab in Ibiza at 11 P.M? I sighed and walked back to my room with Scarlett and Jasmine (who was sleeping over for the night considering the circumstances). I changed into my pajamas and tried to go to sleep, but all I could see was Harry’s face.


  I stared at the ceiling hopelessly trying to go to sleep. Her harsh words echoed in my head ‘That night we made love? The day I met you in Holmes Chapel? What if I want to take all of that back? Things would be so much easier if none of that had ever happened!’   I looked at the clock; 2:38 A.M. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed my face in it. I stood up to go get a drink or something to eat.

  I went down the stairs carefully trying not to wake anybody up. I opened the fridge looking for something to eat. The fridge was practically empty except for Niall’s take-out from last night and Zayn’s energy drinks. I finally settled for Redbull and walked out to the patio. I stood on the patio watching as the waves crashed onto the shore and the cool breeze slapped against my bare chest. I sat down on the chair, running a hand through my hair and thinking things over again.

  Things were so messed up (once again). Maybe Emily was right. Maybe we were fighting so hard for something that’s just not meant to be. I looked around when I spotted a small figure sitting on a sun bed. I squinted closely and realized that it was Emily. My heart thumped a hundred times faster as I walked towards her. When I was halfway there, I realized that this was a bad idea. I turned around ready to go back to the house, hoping she didn’t see me.

  “Harry?” she called out. Shit. I turned back around heading towards her again. I sat on the sun bed beside her.

  “Hi” she whispered, half grinning. I smiled and looked beside her at the bottle of Tequila. I stared at the bottle then back at her “I’m not drunk, Styles!” she snapped seriously at first until her face formed into a smile. She laughed and buried her face into my bare chest, her breath fuming with alcohol “Fuck, when did you get so muscular?” she asked, running her fingertips along my chest and stomach which made shivers run down my spine.

  “Okay” I said, trying to pull her up to her feet “Let’s get you back to the house”

  “No!” She protested, sitting back down grabbing the bottle of Tequila “I’m happy right here” I took the alcohol away from her and tossed it somewhere far away where some happy alcoholic can find it tomorrow morning. I sat back down beside her, deciding I’d carry her back inside when she fell asleep. Emily rarely got drunk, but when she did, it’s not a pretty sight at all. She becomes hot-tempered (even more than she already is), moody, and swears too much.

  “Let’s go for a swim in the ocean!” she said ecstatically, standing up and taking her shirt off, running towards the dock in only her bra.

  “Emily” I called, running after her. She was ready to jump off the dock when I caught her. I threw her petite body over my shoulders and started towards the house.

  “You’re no fun when you’re sober, Styles” she laughed “Put me down!” she commanded, still giggling “Harry, put me down!” she said seriously this time.

  “I’m taking you back to the house before you get yourself killed tonight” I told her.

  “Oh, please” she huffed “Don’t act like you fucking give a shit about me. Why don’t you go bang Lila like you banged Tiffany, Harry?” she yelled snidely. She knew she was pushing my buttons, but she continued anyway.

  We were finally back in the house. I climbed up the stairs with Emily still in my hands, careful not to wake anyone up. I opened the door to Emily’s bedroom and found Scarlett and Jasmine crammed in there too. I shut the door slowly and walked back towards me and Zayn’s room. I placed her slowly on my bed trying to make her stop talking. It was a good thing that Zayn was a heavy sleeper or else we’d be dead by now. I went to my closet and got a t-shirt for Emily to wear to compensate for the one she threw back on the beach. I gently slipped the t-shirt over her head.

  “I can put on a t-shirt by myself, thank you very much” she snapped, pulling away from my touch. She slipped her hands through the holes of the t-shirt and lay back down, obviously quieting down. I sat beside her on the bed, leaning my back against the wall waiting for her to fall asleep “Harry?” I heard her whispering.

  “Hm?” I answered.

 She smiled and wrapped her arm around my neck, pulling me next to her on the bed. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close to me.

  “Why’d you cheat on me?” she suddenly asked out of the blue.

  “Because I’m an idiot” I sighed. After a few minutes, she closed her eyes and fell into deep sleep.

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