Chapter 8

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Emily’s POV:


 After meeting everyone, Harry and I went back to my place so I can change my clothes then we would head out to the boardwalk to join everyone. I was in my room getting dressed while Harry was downstairs waiting for me. 

  I went downstairs to find Harry surrounded by Amanda and her three friends. Apparently, they were all going to a party since they were wearing super short dresses and their faces were covered with layers of make-up. They were all drooling over the fact that he was in a famous boy band.

 “So you guys are like the new N-sync?” Tiffany, the biggest slut of them all said leaning in close to him. Harry who was surrounded by 4 model-like blondes didn’t seem to mind the attention. On the contrary, he was smirking and flirting back. I wanted to murder Amanda at that moment.

“Em” Amanda said when she saw me “you didn’t tell me that you and Harry were back in touch!” as if she cared about what was going on in my social life.

“Maybe you should come hang out with us sometime” Tiffany told him, playing with one of his curls. Ugh, kill me now.

“Maybe” he said smirking at her. I wanted to barf. She was like three years older than him.

“Anytime now, Harry” I told him.

“Oh, sorry” he said standing up “I’ll see you around girls”

“Aw” one of them said sadly. I glared at her and pulled Harry out of the house as fast as I can.

“Your sister looks a lot different than she did last time I saw her” he told me, and by ‘different’ he meant ‘hotter’. I ignored his comment and walked to the car. The car ride was so quiet. I still couldn’t get the image of that slut playing with his hair. She wouldn’t even look at him if his face wasn’t plastered on T.V. and in every magazine.

“Emmie” Harry teased me, pinching my cheek playfully “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” I told him in a cold tone.

“Is this about that Tiffany girl?”


“Well then can you give me a kiss right here?” he said pointing to his cheek.


“Someone’s jealous” Harry said laughing “You know you’ll always be my number one no matter what, Em” He gave me a cheeky smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back “Now that’s what I wanted to see” he said to me. I just shook my head and laughed. I didn’t know why I felt so possessive of Harry when he wasn’t even mine. I looked at him as his eyes were glued on the road. He really was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I screwed that up for good.


 After we were all done with our dinner, we were walking around the boardwalk. It was a cold night, so Zayn offered to give me his sweater. As he was taking it off to hand it to me, Harry already had his blazer around my shoulders. Zayn and I just looked at him with confused looks, but he ignored them and continued to talk to Louis about this movie they’d watched a few days ago. I also got to know Danielle and Eleanor better. They were both absolutely lovely girls. We all got some frozen yoghurt then decided to go to this carnival near the boardwalk.

 Eleanor and Louis went to ride the Ferris wheel, Niall and Zayn went to ride the bumper cars, and Liam went to win a stuffed animal for Danielle, which left Harry and I.

“So, what do you want to do first?” he asked. I looked around until I saw the huge rollercoaster “Oh no, I know THAT look. You know how I feel about roller coasters”

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” I said grabbing his arm and rushing towards the ride. We buckled in, and I looked at Harry who was about to piss himself “Just close your eyes, and enjoy the ride” I told him.

“What’s so joyful about being flung and plunged up 50 ft. high?” he snapped back. I grabbed his hand and held it tight for support. He looked down at our intertwined hands and turned red. Before he could say anything, we were already going up. His hand felt warm in mine. His fingers tightened the grip. Last time we held hands was the night before I broke up with him. I tried not to think of that again and looked at Harry who looked less frightened, but still scared as hell.

“Ready?” I asked him as we were on the peak of the railing.

“No” he told me, and as we were shot down in an instant, he gripped my hand so tight that I think it cut my blood circulation. I was laughing my butt off as Harry was suffering. When the ride stopped, Harry’s hair looked like a big ball of cotton. I laughed as I straightened it out for him.

“Remind me to never do this again” he said to me. We unbuckled ourselves and walked towards the carnival games, where everyone was.

“Harry,” Niall beamed “You have to try this aweso—“Niall stopped talking all of a sudden, and everyone went silent for some reason. I raised an eyebrow trying to figure out what was going on when I saw where everyone’s eyes were directed. I looked down at our hands which were still intertwined. We both quickly pulled them away. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter as I ran a hand through my hair and stuffed my hands into the pockets of Harry’s blazer. Harry joined Niall in some game where you have to shoot the plastic frogs with water guns while I hung out in the back.

 “So” Zayn said standing next to me “You and Harry”

“Oh no” I told him “We’re just good friends” He nodded his head but didn’t look too convinced. I’m not surprised; I’M not even convinced about this whole thing. Seeing Harry again and acting the way I do with him just messed up my head even more.

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